This old thread seems like it should have more legs than it did; anyone want to join in reviving it?
I think most of my really life-fucking mistakes were about sticking with something or someone way past the point where it made any sense. The little voice in the back of my head knew better all along... I try and listen a bit earlier now. But those stories are long and not very entertaining, and (fiscal) damage was minimal all things considered...
Dale, your splinter story made me cringe. Most painful thing I've ever done to myself on purpose worked out better, but it could have gone that way easily enough. I had a fungus of some sort under my thumbnail on my left hand, and the dry ice the doctor tried had no impact, so I carved it out with a pocketknife. Had to cut back the nail and the flesh below making sure every last bit was gone, in from the side to the center of the nail, right back to the base... one little bit at a time, since I kept having to clear the blood off to see what I was doing. Fortunately it worked great, and the nail healed totally normal, to my great surprise.
When I was
wwoofing last fall, one of the places I stayed was building a cabin. The front wall was 24ft long by 16ft high, framed in 2x4s but with lots of reinforcement around the several large window openings and where some interior beams would connect. Heavy. The cabin was only 12ft wide, so to lift it we had to start on the ground, and then somehow step ~3ft up onto the cabin floor with this wall held above us.
We had 4 guys. I voiced my skepticism, and was suckered by the far more experienced property owner's assurance that it was a total piece of cake, nothing to even think twice about, he'd lifted hundreds of walls, 12-y/o schoolgirls could do this one.
He took one of the middle stations; I was the next biggest guy, so I took the other one, and the other two took the outer edges... We got it above our heads and made it to the edge of the floor. No
fucking way was I able to step up on that. I didn't get a chance to say so, cuz Mr Confident next to me goes "Uhh, let's put it back down!!!"
So we start backing up and carefully lowering it, and when it's still two feet off the floor Mr Confident decides that's good enough, and lets go with no warning. The guy past him loses his grip, and it knocks the other two of us over. The guy on the end falls out from under it; I go straight down with my ass digging into the hill behind me and my knees bent a bit farther than intended. Doesn't seem to be any noticeable long-term damage, but I was worried for a couple days.
People who should know better... don't always. We cut that wall in three equal parts, and they were just right at that size.