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Steve Nicolini wrote:
I think it would allow water in. Drainage drainage drainage. Paul, what if you covered that top piece of lumber with soil as well? Would that help prevent exposure of the roof plastic?
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author of: The Fifty Dollar and Up Underground House Book and The Earth Sheltered Solar Greenhouse Book Visit Mike Oehler's Website
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author of: The Fifty Dollar and Up Underground House Book and The Earth Sheltered Solar Greenhouse Book Visit Mike Oehler's Website
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paul wheaton wrote:The first pic shows the rough idea. The second pic shows a bit of a closeup and some more detail to the idea.
My idea is to not have the plastic wrap all the way to the bottom of this board. In addition, add several more layers of black plastic where shown. These would be "sacrifice" layers. Let the sun have them. In fact, maybe a layer (or two) of some sort of UV safe stuff (?).
Fred Tyler wrote:Davin, looking at your most recent drawings that you posted in January, i believe that you switched the duff and subsoil layers. My understanding is that the dry earth layer (which you have labeled subsoil) will act as the heat storage for the wofati. So, we need to insulate the dry earth from the more conductive wet earth layer (which you have labeled topsoil), not from the wofati interior.
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Davin Hoyt wrote:
Fred Tyler wrote:Davin, looking at your most recent drawings that you posted in January, i believe that you switched the duff and subsoil layers. My understanding is that the dry earth layer (which you have labeled subsoil) will act as the heat storage for the wofati. So, we need to insulate the dry earth from the more conductive wet earth layer (which you have labeled topsoil), not from the wofati interior.
Fred, (HI!)
I don't believe the two layers are contiguous. (sub soil here on roof versus sub soil thermal exchange below hugging sides)
I could be wrong. Maybe refer to Ant Wofati Progression model I made earlier in the year. I will revisit soon, lots happening in Texas right now:)
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Dave Boehnlein wrote:I haven't seen the book, but just to check, are you sure the author didn't recommend leaving the excess plastic exposed only temporarily to allow for settling. I know with liner ponds a common mistake is that people lay down the liner & fill it up. Then they cut the excess plastic and walk away. However, with a pond it can take as much as 18 months before the liner has fully settled. Therefore, we never cut the excess material off of our pond liners until a couple years have gone by so we don't end up cutting it wrong.
Perhaps the intent is to cut it or cover it with something later. Are there finished photos in the book? Do they show a sloppy poly edge hanging over or do they show a neat & tidy edge?
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Janet Branson wrote:I'll be using a variation of this method on my own sod roof this week. Thank goodness for sunshine! Do have a couple of questions/concerns before I start cutting the lumber.
First, with the pitch of my roof, about .27, boards attached to the ends of my ceiling/rooft platform would lay at an angle if the ends are not cut on an angle. How important is it that the drip edge be perpendicular to the ground as shown in the diagram? Two similar roofs in the ant village have their edge on this angle. Will it cause us problems later? Is is important to make those extra cuts to make the drip edge straight up like this?
Also, the board covering the plastic on the top edge...before seeing this thread I had a similar idea, but was concerned it would be visible from space, against ant village code. Thoughts?
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Davin Hoyt wrote:I forgot to mention the need for insulation layers (duff) below patio/porch areas. Very important! Ran across it in a model today...
Janet Branson wrote:
Davin Hoyt wrote:I forgot to mention the need for insulation layers (duff) below patio/porch areas. Very important! Ran across it in a model today...
Thanks Davin, I'm not sure what this means though. Below the patio/porch areas? Does that mean under the eave above the patio area?
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The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
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