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Travis Johnson wrote:....I do not want to take the easy way out and sign up for permanent disability, I want to contribute to society, but am unsure how.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Travis Johnson wrote:But I am open to other ideas too. I really want to keep my road mowing job open though, just because I really like doing that.
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elle sagenev wrote:
Travis Johnson wrote:But I am open to other ideas too. I really want to keep my road mowing job open though, just because I really like doing that.
At the risk of placing a bad joke at a bad place I'm still doing it.
Mowing keeps you "anchored" aye!
All the best in what you choose and I hope you still apply for disability!
Travis Johnson wrote:
elle sagenev wrote:
Travis Johnson wrote:But I am open to other ideas too. I really want to keep my road mowing job open though, just because I really like doing that.
At the risk of placing a bad joke at a bad place I'm still doing it.
Mowing keeps you "anchored" aye!
All the best in what you choose and I hope you still apply for disability!
Watch it Elle; ye ole landlubber! I will make you walk the plank.
(By the way, you would not be the only pregnant pirate. I cannot remember her name, but there was a woman pirate who got pregnant, and ended up escaping from the gallows for only that reason).
Come join me at www.peacockorchard.com
Travis Johnson wrote:I should have learned my lesson from my high school days, I guess. I say that because way back then (25 years ago), we were tasked to do an assessment test to see how the High Schools in Maine were doing at teaching kids, and while the test scores were not part of our grade, I had a teacher approach me. She knew I did not care much for school, so she politely asked me to do a good job on this test. I liked her, and so I actually did my best for once, instead of making smiley faces with the little dots we were supposed to fill in with a #2 pencil. Well anyway, I did really well on it.
I was asked to do the same thing on a Career Potential Test that had some 250 questions, and once again I actually tried. I also did pretty good, but therein lies the problem. Because I excelled at 24 of the 30 areas tested, my Career Counselor does not really know what to do with me. The crux of it is thus; I am knowledgeable on a host of stuff, and not just in any one area.
Apparently, the displaced farmers program has gobs of money, but I have no interest in going to college. I do not think I am college material, and see no point in spending taxpayer monies on me, when for the first two years I am learning stuff I already know, or has no relevance to what I want to do for a career. That just does not make sense to me.
The affirmation that I am fairly intelligent is nice to know, but kind of frustrating too in that there is no clear career path for me. It is still early in the process, so maybe something will eventually spin out of this.
Come join me at www.peacockorchard.com
Travis wrote:Apparently, the displaced farmers program has gobs of money, but I have no interest in going to college. I do not think I am college material, and see no point in spending taxpayer monies on me, when for the first two years I am learning stuff I already know, or has no relevance to what I want to do for a career. That just does not make sense to me.
'What we do now echoes in eternity.' Marcus Aurelius
How Permies Works Dr. Redhawk's Epic Soil Series
Rufus Laggren wrote:> truck driving
I have read several places that long haul truck driving is one of the occupations that most damage the long term health of workers (in the US). Primarily, I believe, this is because of sitting still for long periods of time while maintaining strict attention and often bearing up under stress of hazardous driving conditions, both "over the road" and urban. Also, w/out careful management, hours tend to strrrrrrrretch. Ditto food - needs thought, planning and discipline to maintain a decent diet. Also for long haulers, the diurnal cycle can be messed about at the mercy of the schedule.
Nothing killing by itself, but the environment looks less than healthy over long periods of time.
No rain, no rainbow.
No rain, no rainbow.
Andrew Mayflower wrote:Ryan - I recall a post a couple weeks ago about him sending all his sheep off to slaughter (and/or a buyer).
No rain, no rainbow.
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