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paul wheaton's place in the permaculture pantheon (press and bios about paul wheaton)

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hey folks, can anyone write a good short biography of the man himself?

There already exist a few, but between them there are some gaps that could be filled in:


Say if someone had never heard of paul, how would you most favorably factually describe him and his accomplishments? Or, to put it another way, why should anyone believe anything this guy has to say? The end goal here is to work up a shimmering jewel of a biography that can be used for a wikipedia page, and other such pages, on paul. or to come up with something that for most people is a little more easy to swallow than "Paul Wheaton is is the tyrannical ruler of two on-line communities." [sic]

I took a crack at writing a four sentence paragraph, and this is what I came up with:

Paul Wheaton is the founder of the internet forum permies.com, the largest permaculture forum on the web. He is widely regarded as a leading voice in the international permaculture community. Paul studied under Helen Atthowe and Sepp Holzer, and he has published articles on hugelkultur, Sepp Holzer, rocket mass heaters, and eco-building. His personal website is richsoil.com.

Factual information is important here. And tone is important. The bio could be serious or it could be humorous, depending on where and how it's to be used. And do consider that people won't put much consideration into something that's written in an overly laudatory tone of lavish praise. Go for bare-bones factual biographical information presented in a neutral tone.

Consider how the man fits into the permaculture Pantheon. Write what would sway you.
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Is there a Pantheon ? If so, is membership something we should aspire to ? Would membership infer infallibility ?

I wonder If I've inadvertantly joined a religion.
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Is there a place where we can see pictures of Paul's permaculture garden, etc?

Dale Hodgins
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Someone should do a drawing of the more famous permaculturalists , each portrayed in mythical form. Molinson as Zeus, lording over the others. Jeff Lawton as Socrates the great teacher, Sep Holzer as Confucius traveling afar to spread the word, and since Paul is the biggest he could be Apolo. He often complains that the weight of the world is on his shoulders.

There could eventually be many more added as time goes on. Ernie Wisner as Vulcan, god of fire and metal working, Tyler Ludens as Lisa Simpson the voice of reason. We could even have bad ones, such as Monsanto as a legion of demons.

All of this just because someone said pantheon.
Abe Coley
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here, for example, is geoff lawton's page on wikipedia. the goal is to create something like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoff_Lawton

i think sepp holzer could be zeus. the krammeterhof is kind of like mount olympus. paul could be mercury, the messenger with the winged sandals... the websites are like paul's winged sandals.

another silly idea along a similar route could be "the ninja turtles of permaculture" ...mollison is like master splinter, his disciples are the turtles, etc.
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Hey Abe, not sure if this is OT for this thread, and maybe you already have this list, but I've been telling Paul he needs a press page. He thought that it would make sense to have something like that on permies somewhere, so folks could add to it. I'm not sure where to put it (open to ideas, other moderators moving, splitting, etc.), but here's a start:

Press (print & online) Feature:
7/25/11 http://lifehacker.com/5824344/washing-dishes-by-hand-can-use-less-water-than-a-dishwasher
8/30/11 http://www.treehugger.com/sustainable-product-design/how-to-build-a-tiny-off-grid-house-for-2500-video.html
10/11/11 http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paulwheaton/farmer-laboratory-light-bulbs-at-30-seconds
10/13/11 http://www.treehugger.com/green-food/how-to-build-a-diy-solar-dehydrator-video.html
11/12/11 http://missoulian.com/news/local/missoula-man-says-compact-fluorescent-light-bulbs-not-a-bright/article_127ed1d4-0da1-11e1-9dd3-001cc4c03286.html
11/19/11 http://lifehacker.com/5861103/heat-yourself-instead-of-the-entire-room-to-save-on-your-heating-bill
12/31/11 http://missoulian.com/lifestyles/territory/experiment-shows-cfls-don-t-last/article_fa7a42ba-332c-11e1-9eb8-0019bb2963f4.html
1/29/12 http://lifehacker.com/5880237/hugelkultur-can-create-irrigation+free-garden-beds

Press Quoted/Mention:
11/30/11 http://www.permaculture.co.uk/readers-solutions/small-scale-hugelkultur-raised-beds
2/10/12 http://www.greatfallstribune.com/article/20120211/LIFESTYLE/202110306

8/10/10 http://attra.ncat.org/audio/radio.php#8_10_10
8/11/10 http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/voices-of-diversity/id283639514
1/31/11 http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/paul-wheaton-permaculture-hugelkultur-more
2/25/11 http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/episode-612-paul-wheaton-on-hugelkultur-and-wofati-eco-buildings
5/3/11 http://groaction.com/discover/2653/permaculture-interview-paul-wheaton/
9/20/11 http://groaction.com/discover/3100/paul-wheaton-permaculture/
9/21/11 http://groaction.com/discover/3387/paul-wheaton-permaculture-part2/
11/17/11 http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/paul-wheaton-on-cast-iron-cooking-cfls-and-rocket-mass-heating

The MCAT (?) airings of Paul's Sepp video presentations in Missoula.

Blog Feature, quotes & mentions:
1/15/12 http://highlyuncivilized.com/2012/01/15/why-you-should-help-paul-wheaton/
1/15/12 http://pathtosustainableliving.com/2012/an-eco-scale-test-based-on-electricity-usage/
1/28/12 http://www.thebackyardpioneer.com/2012/01/28/a-5-question-interview-with-paul-wheaton/

I'm sure there are many, many more blog mentions--and maybe not quite appropriate for a press page--these were just some that came up in my searches today.
Abe Coley
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OMG this is a huge help! thanks!
Jocelyn Campbell
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I know there is still a LOT missing in that list, so don't think of it as complete.
Jocelyn Campbell
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Here's a Missoula-area June 2012 Regular Joe article featuring Paul.
Jocelyn Campbell
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7/27/12 http://www.treehugger.com/energy-efficiency/cfls-die-much-faster-advertised-if-switched-too-frequently.html
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Radio interviews (not available online):

5/25/12 KPTZ interview by Forest Shomer, Inside Passage Seeds, streaming broadcast on 6/9/12 (Forest Shomer/KPTZ picture)
7/18/12 KGBA interview by Abe Coley
Jocelyn Campbell
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Blog post about Paul:
7/30/12 http://www.makeitmissoula.com/2012/07/paul-wheaton-cfl-video/

(Have I mentioned how annoying it is that many, many blogs and podcasts do not date their posts? Argh! Got this one listed/dated the day it came out, I think.)
Jocelyn Campbell
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Jocelyn Campbell wrote:More:

7/26/12 http://missoulanews.bigskypress.com/missoula/grow-wild/Content?oid=1669018 (with cover photo too!)

The above story was talked about via:
8/4/12: listed as one of the "top 5" of the week: http://www.permaculture.co.uk/news/0308122130/top-5-permaculture-related-articles-week
which linked to this 7/26/12 blog post about it: http://blog.briangallimore.com/2012/07/paul-wheaton-permaculture/
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I think that between the last post in August 2012 and this one in March 2013, the number of articles, posts, podcasts, etc. have likely doubled. And I don't have even half of them.Throwing this last one into the pile in case it makes sense to collate these here again.

2/28/13 Montana Kaimin article where the bad boy label came from: Sustainably slacking: Paul Wheaton, the bad boy of permaculture
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Another podcast episode: http://twobeerswithsteve.libsyn.com/permaculture-with-paul-wheaton.
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You know, a really helpful thing for the Kickstarter would be to contact all of the people who have done podcasts with Paul and let them know there's a Kickstarter ending in less than a week that they should mention to their listeners/readers etc. I am trying to find a contact email for Steve Kunstler (of Two Beers With Steve) buy I'm not finding one.
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The subject of Paul Wheaton having a Wikipedia page has definitely crossed my mind.
And --
ALL permaculture leaders/teachers who are building a public presence, need to do this.
Having a wikipedia listing -- is like having a business card.
It establishes a person's credentials, provides a photo, lists accomplishments.
This is not a vain thing to do... it is a protection... and is necessary when a person
is functioning in a public sphere.

I'm not personally sure about the wikipedia guidelines -- but an entry BY THE PERSON being bio'd
would hold much more weight than an unknown person sending an entry.
It would simplify the editing process if the leaders/teachers/certified instructors
created their own pages.
Yes, wikipedia does double-check their entries.

People new to the subject of permaculture will need to know these people's standing in the
community -- if these speakers are trusted, sought out for advice, and etc.

Linda Sefcik
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What the heck is a kickstarter???
Julia Winter
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Kickstarter.com is a website based on crowd funding. You can present a project that you'd like to accomplish, and then if people agree that it is a good thing they can pledge money towards your goal. If the goal is not reached, nobody pays anything. If the goal is reached, everybody ponies up and the project goes forward. It is common to have physical objects sent to folks who donate at certain levels, so that frequently a Kickstarter becomes an exercise in precision marketing. You know exactly how many people want your widget, and so you only have to make that number. It removes a lot of uncertainty in the production of new, maybe exciting things.

Paul Wheaton, the founder/owner of this forum launched a Kickstarter for a DVD set (or internet download of same) on Rocket Mass Heaters on February 17th that got the $18,000 required in less than 48 hrs: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paulwheaton/wood-burning-stoves-20-the-dvds I highly recommend watching the video, because it is amusing.

However, even though the goal was reached, he would very much like to expose 10 million people to the idea of rocket mass heaters, the most ecologically sound way to heat a home, workshop or even greenhouse. If Paul can raise $100,000 he thinks that will put him where he needs to be to buy the land in Montana that he wants. The campaign will shut down on March 18th.
Jocelyn Campbell
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Linda Sefcik wrote:The subject of Paul Wheaton having a Wikipedia page has definitely crossed my mind.
And --
ALL permaculture leaders/teachers who are building a public presence, need to do this.
Having a wikipedia listing -- is like having a business card.
It establishes a person's credentials, provides a photo, lists accomplishments.
This is not a vain thing to do... it is a protection... and is necessary when a person
is functioning in a public sphere.

I'm not personally sure about the wikipedia guidelines -- but an entry BY THE PERSON being bio'd
would hold much more weight than an unknown person sending an entry.
It would simplify the editing process if the leaders/teachers/certified instructors
created their own pages.
Yes, wikipedia does double-check their entries.

People new to the subject of permaculture will need to know these people's standing in the
community -- if these speakers are trusted, sought out for advice, and etc.

The Wikipedia guidelines are a bit of a mystery to me. There was an attempt a couple years ago to get Paul on Wikipedia and, if I recall, it didn't go. I don't know why.

Now, two (+?) years later, two successful kickstarter campaigns on top of MUCH more media exposure, etc., as well as dramatically increased empire traffic/rankings and Wikipedia's response could be different. Though I really have no clue.

From looking at who is and isn't on Wikipedia, it looks like the site favors authors of print-published books instead of web-published articles (and videos, podcast, forums, etc.).
Linda Sefcik
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OK. So I did a bit of research into this subject. I think these links should help.
Basically, any wikipedia listing must remain NEUTRAL. It must only state facts.
Second -- any photograph must be public domain or registered as permitted to be published.

The standard form that a wikipedia article takes is --
the first thing you read is WHY this person is notable. References to organizations, etc. relationships... that stuff.
Then if the person is of historical interest -- it continues by telling life facts, where born, etc.
Once an article is published on wikipedia it can be edited and added to.
As I clicked through the links to the "discussion on this topic" it looks like this is a difficult area
for staff at wikipedia.

Remember: "anyone can edit" which makes anyone an editor
My guess is that public personalities have their agent do these things, and thus the sourcing is
already edited, legal, and acceptable to the person.


Two pages concerning the same subject (go figure -- )


"Despite the need to attribute content to reliable sources, you must not plagiarize them or violate their copyrights.
Articles should be written in your own words while substantially retaining the meaning of the source material"

"Because of copyright laws in a number of countries, there are relatively few images available for use on Wikipedia.
Editors are therefore encouraged to upload their own images, releasing them under the GFDL, CC-BY-SA, or other free

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Julia Winter wrote:I am trying to find a contact email for Steve Kunstler (of Two Beers With Steve) buy I'm not finding one.

Actually, it's Steve Patterson. Here's his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Two-Beers-With-Steve/150744272687.

(Not sure how Kunstler came into it, but that would probably refer to James Howard Kunstler, right?)

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paul talks of reaching as many people as possible, a campaign to get him on "The Colbert Report" should be started. he would reach an enormous amount of people with one interview. they just had a pig farmer on colbert, and paul is WAY more interesting and has an important message to boot!
people on permies with twitter/facebook accounts can get ball rolling? just a thought....
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jon, how exactly would that work? How do we contact them and get them to notice us?
Welcome to permies by the way!
jon helms
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i do not know. i asked my teenage daughter, she said to create a facebook page, get everyone from permies to "like" it, and thats how to start. so i created a facebook page titled:

Petition to get Paul Wheaton on The Colbert Report


i guess now the trick is to get people to visit the site. i am completely new to this, so if we could get some of the more technically savvy permie people to chime in and offer some guidance, that would be cool.

as for being on Colbert, he could drop " rocket mass heaters" , his kickstarter projects, permies.com, all in a quick interview reaching millions of people.
Miles Flansburg
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I liked it and asked all of my friends to like it and post it on their pages so their friends could like it etc. 225 likes when I was there.
Miles Flansburg
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I just posted a link to your page on thiers.

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Hot off the press, I was interviewed for an hour on Los Angeles NPR

paul wheaton
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Jack has me answer a question about springs as part of his "expert council":


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I was poking around Wikipedia, exploring the guidelines on how a living person (like Paul) would be added.

Just for fun, I did another search in Wikipedia on 'Paul Wheaton' and found that someone has created a Wikipedia page for Paul, just this month (Jul. 2013)!
Good on 'em!


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Well, look at this! We moved on to wheaton labs in June 2013, so I guess it makes sense that keeping track of press about Paul has dropped off since then. There have been press articles, interviews, and appearances in the intervening years; they simply were not listed here.

Here's an interview that just went out:  https://www.preppershowsusa.com/blog/meet-paul-wheaton-duke-of-permaculture/

One quick excerpt:

Q: How did you become the Duke of Permaculture?

A: I have a few hundred podcasts including about a dozen with Geoff Lawton. In one podcast I was trying to ask Geoff about an official stand in permaculture and I referred to him as the crown prince of permaculture. He said that if he was the crown prince then I would be the duke. This little bit of silly seems to have grown and grown. The best part is that Sepp Holzer gave me a giant wooden “medal” that says “The Duke” on it.

The title is fun, but thoroughly meaningless. I suspect it sticks mostly because of the comedy of a fat guy who wears overalls every day sporting such a fancy-pants title.

Jocelyn Campbell
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Today I learned there is a conservapedia.com.

With Paul on it:  https://www.conservapedia.com/Paul_Wheaton.

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Paul's about the only thing there worth looking at.

paul wheaton
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I am putting something in a bundle and they are asking

Where have you been featured?
Please list any notable publicity you've received. This could include features or interviews in magazines, TV, well known websites, blogs, podcasts, etc.

And my mind goes blank.

This thread is a big help.  Anything else?

Tyler Ludens
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If you do a search "Paul Wheaton interviews" a bunch come up.
paul wheaton
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Cruising this thread and google, I have come up with ... so far ...

New Pioneer Magazine
The Survival Podcast
Mother Earth News
Permaculture Voices
NPR Los Angeles
The Grassfed Homestead
The Pagan Homesteader
The Missoulian
The Missoula Independent
The Regular Joe
Pantry Paratus Radio
Montana Kaimin
Occupy Monsanto
The Backyard Pioneer
The Southern California Permacuture Convergence
The Northwest Permaculture Convergence
The Inland Northwest Permaculture Convergence

any others?

I can't help but think I am forgetting a bunch.
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