ok, heres a couple pictures taken from google maps and edited in paint
one is with planned areas, the ones that aren't labeled have no plan at this point i will come up with something eventually but right now im in the begginning planning stages, the marked out ponds are just kinda put in where google maps showed sloight depressions, i haven't been out there in a while and normally when i do go out there its all just getting stuff at or dropping stuff off at the shop there within the owner's area
the wild's preserve may not be very wild as is who knows but i figured i might just leave it there as is
the owner of the
land(my uncle who i will be leasing the rest of the land from) wanted the lower right section left alone so he could design a home
the land itself is pretty much just flat, super windy land, dry for the most part, an average rainfall of 14.1 inches and average annual snowfall of 60 inches, this winter hasn't had much in the way of snow
average summer temp is 73F
average winter temp is 23F
i have witnessed as high as ninety something and as low as -36F or so, 40 something below with windchill
there are occassionaly tornadoes every few years but for the most part just extremely high winds
it is considered a semi-arid climate, this property is more sever climate than intown, in town is supposedly zone 5 but even outskirts are much more like zone 4
it looks on google as if there was once a field there of some sort, i think
hay but im not certain
the soil is pretty sandy and in the draw the bottom is pretty much just sand thats been deposited, so sealing ponds is gonna be interesting i believe, but possible
this is all tenative plans for the final layout of the land
most straight lines are either pipelines between ponds or wooden troughs for
water to run through with the exception of the property line of
the draw runs through our land not just in it so the actual draw itself cannot be dammed or anything as we dont want to interfere with other peoples water rights, hence why i thought i'd probably just leave the part of it that runs through the west arm of the property alone for wilds preserve, on the right i am damming before the water runs into it and for the stream that runs from the large
pond to the small one north of it i am running pigs through to make the soil good for a stream and then building a
swale to the downhill side of it so that the water doesn't need to run through the draw at all and the lower(north) dam will be dammed before it hits the draw, leaving it to run just as it always has
concerns are
1. that i cannot effectively seal the ponds if there is too much sand in the soil
2. if the ponds are all figured out then the debate between me and my uncle is whether we
should construct so that wind blows over as much of the pond's surface as possible for maximum gas exchange, or if we should block wind to the ponds to prevent evaporation and keep what little water there is on the land trapped in.
3. i plan to do a small field based on a mix of three sisters planting techniques and backtoeden mulching techniques, the three sisters inspired field will have way more than just 3 varities of plants in it, thats simply the basis for the design, now the only place where i will have a reduced wind this summer will be in the draw that originates on our property (and currently feeds the draw we will avoid damming) however there are two problems with this location, one is that every few years the rains hit hard and the draw is pretty much washed out, making planting there somewhat risky, my secondary concern is that i will be improving this soil only to remove it in a year or two when i dig out the pond
i will post another picture of what i plan to do this year in the next post