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Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Taylor Cleveland wrote:We’re starting a outdoor wedding venue.
I am thinking one will be fine since it’s just the ceremony. We don’t want to deal with plumbing so I’m wanting to do a composting toilet. From your experience what it the most “normal” or “not-gross-for-normal-people” composting toilet. Price is really not much of a problem. I’m willing to pay more to make people more comfortable.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:
Taylor Cleveland wrote:We’re starting a outdoor wedding venue.
I am thinking one will be fine since it’s just the ceremony. We don’t want to deal with plumbing so I’m wanting to do a composting toilet. From your experience what it the most “normal” or “not-gross-for-normal-people” composting toilet. Price is really not much of a problem. I’m willing to pay more to make people more comfortable.
One seems fine for small ceremonies, maybe just the bride and groom. But if there will be bridesmaids, groomsmen, and guests then one might not be enough. Then will there be room to change clothes? I can see the bride changing into her dress with the bridesmaids changing theirs too in the glamping tent. Will there be a separate place for the groom and groomsmen?
Having worked at a venue of sorts it doesn't hurt to be prepared for all sorts of happenings.
Kyle Neath wrote:The Nature’s Head toilets are probably the most similar to flush toilets that I know of. I have one out at my ranch and no one seems to complain about it. I have a little piece of paper explaining what to do for people, but honestly — it’s extremely easy. You take a poop, turn the handle, and you’re done. For hand washing I would look into RV foot-pump style sink and a bottle of hand sanitizer.
Mike Haasl wrote:Well, one options is a willow feeder. It's got sawdust but it can be cute as hell and the garbage cans are pretty big so no one has to deal with anything until the guests are gone. Here's a link to a thread on here about it. Downside is that you are pooping on a sawdust covered pile of poop.... I used this one at the lab last summer and it didn't smell at all so it's much better than a porta potty.
Taylor Cleveland wrote:
Kyle Neath wrote:The Nature’s Head toilets are probably the most similar to flush toilets that I know of. I have one out at my ranch and no one seems to complain about it. I have a little piece of paper explaining what to do for people, but honestly — it’s extremely easy. You take a poop, turn the handle, and you’re done. For hand washing I would look into RV foot-pump style sink and a bottle of hand sanitizer.
I'm stuck between a sawdust system or the natures head. Originally i was thinking natures head, but now I'm slightly worried people would use it wrong and I would be stick fixing their mess every weekend? What do you think.
Kyle Neath wrote:I think the biggest benefit to Nature's Head vs a sawdust system is the built-in urine diverter. Urine is what makes composting/pit toilets smell and having a built in urine diverter is a godsend. The biggest downside (apart from cost) is that it does take more time to empty the solids chamber. With a sawdust system you can swap out the solids bucket real quick and keep trucking on.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:
Kyle Neath wrote:I think the biggest benefit to Nature's Head vs a sawdust system is the built-in urine diverter. Urine is what makes composting/pit toilets smell and having a built in urine diverter is a godsend. The biggest downside (apart from cost) is that it does take more time to empty the solids chamber. With a sawdust system you can swap out the solids bucket real quick and keep trucking on.
That has not been our experience when using a sawdust system, but I think it depends on the type of sawdust you use. We get very fine dust - mostly from horse chestnut - direct from a local yard that make fencing products. It is very absorbent, and has a very high surface area. A small amount covers deposits nicely as it flows around and over things. When we set one up using pine shaving - bought from a pet shop - it was very different. The shavings covered it, but there still seemed to be air circulation unless you used a very thick layer of shavings. And the shavings themselves seemed pretty much waterproof, rather than absorbent.
When people talk about urine making compost toilets smell I always suspect that there is a problem of some sort with the cover material being used.
Let your freak flag fly. Mine is this tiny ad on my clothes line.
Willow Feeder movie