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struggle - hustle - soul - desire
Chris Badgett
Cocreator of Organic Life Guru. Have you seen what's happening over there?
Justin Thomas, editor of the website metaefficient.com, considers bidets to be “a key green technology” because they eliminate the use of toilet paper. According to his analysis, Americans use 36.5 billion rolls of toilet paper every year, representing the pulping of some 15 million trees.
Those who hammer their swords into plows will plow for those who don't!
Cassie Langstraat wrote:OMG that is the most hilarious thing! That seems like a pretty good alternative to toilet paper! Butt spray! Hahaha
Those who hammer their swords into plows will plow for those who don't!
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
Medicinal herbs, kitchen herbs, perennial edibles and berries: https://mountainherbs.net/ grown in the Blue Mountains, Australia
Angelika Maier wrote:That Japanese thing seems better at least you don't need a life long nappies washing.
Those who hammer their swords into plows will plow for those who don't!
Jennifer Wadsworth wrote:Yeah - it takes awhile to get used to. However, having grown up in cultures where one uses water instead of paper (and paper was considered gross) it doesn't squick me out.
Amedean Messan wrote: Here is my prejudice on that design.......its way too techy for me. I like pure mechanical systems due to reliability and independence from power needs. I cant see why there is not a design that runs on pressure in plumbing through mechanical levers. This thread inspired me to investigate this a little further, perhaps I may design a system myself, or at least conceptualize one for myself.
Subtropical desert (Köppen: BWh)
Elevation: 1090 ft Annual rainfall: 7"
trust yourself. then you will know how to live.
~ goethe
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
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You can see with only one eye open, but you'll probably run into things and stub your toe. The big picture matters.
“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” Winston Churchill
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
Lindsey Jane wrote:We have used reusable cloth toilet rags for years without trouble. I just cut up old towels into squares and bind stitch the sides to prevent fraying and keep them in a basket next to the toilet. Then an 18 inch high tupperware with a fitted lid for the dirties. We wait until we get the tupperware full and then run them through our washer on hot. Dry as usual in the dryer. Our washer has a sensor that only uses enough water for the load, so it adjusts .)
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
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