I honestly don't know how you're managing to juggle that! That's insane. I have a feeling balls are probably being dropped, and it's extremely stressful and exhausting. That's how life for me was when my daughter was 8 months old started waking every 1.5 hours all night long (which lasted until she was three--I'm not kidding.), and my son was a tantruming disaster, and my husband had massive chrone's flare-up that basically meant he couldn't do anything and I had to care for him, care for the garden, and care for the kids, and figure out how to fix him. People asked me how I managed it--well, to be honest, I really didn't. I dropped balls everywhere, but we managed to survive.
Is there anything you can drop right now? Anything your husband can take over? I started working part-time from home, and it's hard asking my husband to do stuff when he's off. It's hard training him, and it's hard giving up the things I enjoy doing. But, I gotta pass some things along or I'm going to have chronic health issues. I've already got a massive psoriasis flare-up going on, and it's horrid.
Your baby is a somethign like 6 months, right? Where does the little one sleep? To maintain my sanity, I ended up bringing my daughter into bed with me. She still sleeps in a crib attached to the bed, because when I wake up in the middle of the night to walk across the house to tuck/sooth a little one, I can't fall back asleep for like 1.5 hours or more. I need those hours of sleep! But, if she's next to me, I can more-or-less stay in a half-asleep state to take care of her....of
course, because I've done this, it's probably resulted in her being 3 and still not sleeping by herself.
But, it's one of those things where you have to make a compromise. You need sleep. You need it NOW, because you've got kids to take care of, things you want to do that
feed your soul, and work you have to do feed everyone's bellies, and all that school work.
When I'm in a pickle like that, I try to think of how I can delegate all this stuff. Maybe I delegate it to my husband. Maybe I see if I can delegate it to my kids. Maybe I see if I can just plain delegate it to my future self--instead of doing the college now, or instead of doing the sleep training now, I forgo that and let future self deal with it.
Sometimes I get so lost in all the things I have to do, and how I have to do them all NOW. And, it's super hard to figure out what I can give up and what I can delegate when I don't have sleep. I think step one for both of us might just be getting
enough sleep.
Ways to maybe get enough sleep:
(1) Go to bed when baby does and stay in bed the whole time (I did this when I just had one baby. Near impossible to do with more than one, especially if the older ones keep waking up, too. But, if you can get more done in the day, then you can go to bed earlier).
(2) See if husband can put the kids back to sleep. This may or may not work depending on the child and husband!
(3) Co-sleeping. For me this meant more sleep, but more of it mildly interrupted. I still got better sleep this way than trying to keep putting the kid back in their bed. I wish I'd done this with my first!
(4) Sleep-training. Lots of methods and reasons for and against them that might cause debates. But, in general you have a short term loss of lots of sleep, in exchange for better sleep for you in a month or so.
(5) Things to help you fall back asleep after being awoken. I found that blacking out the room and having only red nightlights helped immensely, and sometimes I'd even wear sunglasses when I slept on my back, to make it darker.
(6) Get more done (magically?) during the day, so you don't have to be like me and stay up until 2:00am most nights trying to get your work done. This usually requires giving up something you enjoy or trying to find a way to delegate tasks to your spouse so you have more daytime to work on the stuff only YOU can work on. Or, drug the kids with TV (educational is nice if they'll go for it) so you can get some work done.
It's hard, hard times, and I really feel for you. The sleep deprivation and massive overwhelming amount of things to do is HARD. I wish I had answers for you and me!