I recommend getting at least 3 other quote.
Can you post some pictures of the planned homesite?
Avg For Comparison
Foundation Type Avg Per Sqft Average Total Cost
Concrete Slab $4/sqft $4,500 - $12,000
Slab&Stem Wall $5/sqft $7,000 - $21,000
Pier & Beam $5/sqft $8,000 - $15,000
Crawl Space $7/sqft $8,000 - $21,000
Whats the size of your basement floor.
Is this going into bedrock, riverside pier, are they including a full basement into the quote and clearing the
land, do they have to pay a $20,000 impact fee.
Can you post a more itemized breakdown e.g.
Service Cost Range
Permit $500 - $2,000
Grading& Excavating $500 - $9,000
Concrete $3,250 - $13,500
Form&Finishing $1,000 - $5,000
Reinforcement $150 - $750
Sealing $600 - $6,000
Inspection $80 - $1,300
Total $6,080 - $37,050
How much does concrete?
Concrete costs from $113 to $126 per cubic
yard or between $2.83 to $3.57 per square foot depending on the thickness of the slab poured (6inches is the avg). It will cost an additional $2.52 to $2.60 per square foot for the labor.
That $30,000 is not because cement/sand/water/plywood is expensive. It is most likely due to government fee or grading cost. When you get the other quotes if it isn't $15,000 or less ask for a breakdown.
For the original vendor quoting you the $30,000 tell him that you can get the concrete delivered yourself and what will a new quote look like. If you give me your
city,state and house size, I can figure out exactly how much they will charge. And give you a vendor to call.