posted 4 years ago
What you are talking about has a commercial precedent -- it is called an outdoor furnace. It starts/stops based on simple thermostatic controls rather than the clean combustion of wood. It is commonly known to neighbours as "the place they would burn down if they could possibly get away with it."
In industry, there is a fancy, semi-smart thermostat called a "PID" -- proportional integral derivitive as a vaguely recall. It mathematically anticipates events before they happen (precog) and takes action to prevent them. I can imagine the programming would run like this:
- PID predicts room temperature will drop below preset in 60 minutes
- PID activates progressive action sequence 1, opening cat door to initiate scratching and wailing at bedroom door.
- If rules not met, after preset time, PID activates progressive action sequence 2, playing highlighted scenes from movie 'Deliverance' on repeating loop through unbreakable speakers in bedroom.
- If rules not met, after preset time and sequence 1 and 2 completed, PID activates progressive action sequence 3, activating fire alarms in building and activating maximum air conditioning in bedroom.
- Rules: Action sequences can only be silenced by opening of stove door and IR fire sensor indicating initial combustion, followed by gradual increase in room temperature.
Dude, just put a pot of flavourful tea in a thermos the night before, put on a housecoat and fuzzy slippers at 5 am, start your fire, wrap in a big blanket and doze lightly on the couch while it all comes together. This is the sweetest hour of the day!