It hasn't happened yet.
Oh, I like bits and bobs from here and there, but honestly, today has lots to be said for it, despite the problems.
I mean, I love steampunk and aspects of Victorian fashion. I am more enamoured of the idea of the universal generalist. I forget what term they applied to these people generally, but I'm talking about those usually wealthy individuals who were horticulturalists, chemists, astronomers, engineers, entrepreneurs, fabricators and builders by their own hands, who were interdisciplinarians because that was the only way to get done what they needed to get done.
I can't love steampunk without acknowledging that most of what I enjoy reading has its source material in workhouses for children and the indebted, a gaping chasm of privilege and wealth between the aristocracy and everyone else, mysogyny, classism, racism, and the ills of colonialism.
One of my favourite fictional time periods occurs in the works of S.M. Stirling. I have referenced
Island in the Sea of Time elsewhere on this site. That trilogy is definitely worth a read.
It concerns the island of Nantucket, circa March, 1998, along with a coast guard ship, being sent back to the Bronze Age to meet, among others, Odysseus, and to forge an empire on their bedrock of Nantucket-flavoured old-stock american values. Stirling does better than it might sound. The era ends up being a mash-up of early-to-high medieval tech redesigned with modern understandings of ergonomics and mechanical advantage for the first bit of it, and settles on an Iron Age-meets-Industrial Revolution with a
sustainable lens.
I think, in the light of the aforementioned fictional work, we have yet to create my favourite era of history.
Imagine an
appropriate technology approach, a cradle-to-cradle circular economy mentality, with no manufactured economic externalities like social costs or environmental damage.
Imagine additive production taking the place of methods that create waste that must either be recycled or disposed of.
We're talking about cities being transformed to have minimalistic physical footprints, encompassing single, massive structures called arcologies, towering city-buildings that incorporate living elements to produce a healthy internal living environment, where air, water, and biomass exiting the structure leave cleaner than they enter, and where every resident of these arcologies is but an elevator ride away from home, work, shopping, entertainment, culture, and also parklike natural settings transitioning to managed wild lands and intensive, horticulturally-minded family farms.
We're also talking about islands grown from
biorock by drones that add to their structure and mass at need, that serve as homes to displaced peoples, as inverted coral reefs, and as filters for the environment, where people work to strain plastic from the seas, to incinerate cleanly at sufficiently high temperatures, to
feed energy back into the system, and again, where everything leaving the island left cleaner than it arrived.
How about 1000-tonne cargo capacity
solar electric airships with a cryogenic drivetrain and magnetic battery storage, hydrogen lift, and probably some type of atmospheric differential pressure drive, capable of altering its envelope profile to adapt to changing wind conditions, and to take off and land without a ground crew or infrastructure. Imagine an aircraft with the speed of a jet carrying a freighters' worth of cargo straight-line, over land and sea, and not hitting or deafening the sea life.
Maybe high-speed solar-electric trains with the same cryogenic drivetrain and magnetic battery storage, connecting coasts and all points between, taking people wherever they're going, even ferrying their cars around, and leaving much more land around available for rewilding projects.
Imagine watching a herd of four million bison go by, knowing that they won't pass your way again until they've migrated the whole length of the corridor up to the North West Territories, where they meet the Great Canadian Mammophant and turn back around. Imagine beaver, and by extension, salmon, returning to their rightful places as respected and protected keystone species that, in turn, protected and fed us, like the bison.
Now I'll go into experimental territory. Imagine breeding an icewine grape varietal whose skin-native yeasts had been chosen for their high alcohol tolerance, a grape that would ferment on the vine at a high ABV, and freeze solid, at which time harvest would occur. The bunches would be dropped into a cold press and squeezed, and all that would come out would be fairly potent alcohol, technically grape jack (after
apple jack, which you get by freezing alcoholic cider and pouring off what doesn't freeze).
Pair that with engines designed or tweaked to run on that alcohol, and I see homestead energy independence, and by extension, domestic energy self-sufficiency. I see resilient and sustainable whole living systems design.
So yeah. The era of history that appeals to me most is the one we can create together. I can't wait.