Thanks, Y'all!
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
Planting and nurturing my Oak of Mamre
You have to be tough or dumb - and if you're dumb enough, you don't have to be so tough...
Garbage-Can Dinner
6 dozen ears of corn
70 red potatoes, whole
70 carrots, whole or halved, peeled
12 heads of cabbage, quartered
Old Bay seasoning (optional)
6 yellow onions, whole
22 to 25 pounds of quality boneless ham, quartered
76 sausages (such as brats, smoked, Polish)
Place a grate over three bricks in a clean, large metal garbage can. Put a little water (to about 3/4 the height of the bricks) in the bottom of the can.
Remove silk from corn and put husk back on. Place corn vertically, with tips up, on grate. Place other ingredients, in order, over corn. Cover can securely with lid. Cook over an open fire for about 3 hours without lifting the lid. When done, slice items, if necessary, and serve each food in its own pan.
Makes 70-80 servings in 2 cans.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Michael wrote:My favorite is chicken and dumplings...
Skandi Rogers wrote:
Things that are out. Chicken wings/ribs, can't get them unflavored.
Look ma! I'm selling my stuff!
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies