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Hormonal acne

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I never had acne in my life, but after going off birth control about a year ago, I've been getting bad hormonal acne (about 2 weeks a month, around my period). I've tried a variety of supplements and cleansers, however I have not yet tried cod liver oil. I've been thinking of trying Green Pasture's CLO/Butter Oil after hearing some others say it cleared their hormonal acne. Does anyone have any experience with this? The stuff is kind of expensive and I hear it can be hard to tolerate, so I want to be sure I'm getting my money's worth. Any other advice in this arena is appreciated also.
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You might find cheaper results from adopting a paleo or primal diet. One of the effects of these diets is a stabilization of your endocrine system. A lot of people have reported acne going away.
Kelly Lamb
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Thanks Neal, I actually do follow a pretty strict Paleo diet. I started that just before going off the pill. The only other thought I have is to get checked for a hormonal imbalance.
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My family just started taking Green Pastures FCLO/HVBO blend several weeks ago, cinammon tingle flavor. I noticed that I did not get my typical acne breakout due to hormones which was extra surprising as we were camping at the time and did not have access to daily showers. I also noticed that while I did still get mosquito bites, I did not get big swollen bumps from them. I believe the CLOB is improving my body's reaction to allergens.

It is pricey but so worth it for better health. We actually put a small amount of water in a glass and then drop a blob of the blend in and chug it back like we're drinking a shot. I think we are so used to it now we could probably take it off a spoon, but really minded the taste when we first started so we tried to get it in without it touching our tongues.
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Check out the cures for acne without full detox thread in the medicinal herbs forum for some feedback on cod liver oil among other things.

Thought it had more info on how I've also struggled with acne (and <shudder> boils!) myself that seems to be related to too much yeast in my system. The best solution for me has been to starve the yeast (little to no sugary or starchy foods), kill the yeast (with oregano oil, and/or other natural supplements) and restore healthy microbial balance with probiotics and fermented foods. Probably no-brainers in some sense to WAPF folks, but I'll look to see if there was another thread on that aspect....
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The best thing for acne hands down is fermented cod liver oil. My teenager wouldn't think about going without it as he knows missing his daily dose is a breakout waiting to happen.
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Kelly Lamb wrote:I never had acne in my life, but after going off birth control about a year ago, I've been getting bad hormonal acne (about 2 weeks a month, around my period). I've tried a variety of supplements and cleansers, however I have not yet tried cod liver oil. I've been thinking of trying Green Pasture's CLO/Butter Oil after hearing some others say it cleared their hormonal acne. Does anyone have any experience with this? The stuff is kind of expensive and I hear it can be hard to tolerate, so I want to be sure I'm getting my money's worth. Any other advice in this arena is appreciated also.

I found this article through Google. I hope you find it helpful:

5 Natural Remedies For Getting Rid of Acne

If you have ever suffered from acne, you know how painful it can be! If the pain is not bad enough, you also get ugly scars! Acne can happen both to teenagers as well as adults! For some people, the acne eventually goes but the scar remains for a long time; for others, acne vulgaris is a regular affair! In this article I will tell you about some of the natural remedies you can use to treat acne!

Before I go on to elaborate on the natural remedies, I must tell you that if you are allergic to any of these substances, you must stop its use immediately! Also, if these natural remedies do not help you, you may eventually have to go for more expensive alternatives such as dermabrasion and laser treatment! For most people, however, these remedies usually work wonders!

One more thing: regular washing of your face with clean water is a habit you must inculcate, if you have not already! Also, if you apply make-up or cosmetics, it is important that you remove the make-up/cosmetic once its job is over, instead of letting it remain on the skin. A lot of cosmetics contain powerful chemicals that would harm your skin in more ways that you could imagine!

Okay, I have rambled enough now, so here are some of the recommended natural treatments for acne:

Lemon Juice: The lemon is one versatile remedy provided by nature - you can cure so many ailments with it - even acne vulgaris! The lemon juice contains natural bleaching agents that would help you get rid of the redness caused by acne. The lemon juice also helps in removing the acne scar tissue so that new, healthier tissue can emerge in its place.

The treatment is simple: get a clean cotton swab or pad, and use that to apply lemon juice on to the affected area! Leave it like that for some time, and then wash the area with clean water!

Apple Cider Vinegar: Before using any kind of acne treatment, it is important to note that our skin has the tendency to renew and rejuvenate itself naturally, over time. Apple Cider Vinegar detoxifies your body by cleansing it of all the toxins that are causing acne; on top of that, it also speeds up our skin's rejuvenation process. You can take either it as an oral medicine if you want, or apply it on the affected area of the skin!

Oatmeal: Along with lemon, this is one of the most commonly used natural remedies for acne! Mix oatmeal powder with rose water and apply it on the affected area, then leave it on the skin for at least 10-15 minutes, after which you should wash the face with cold water. Do this every day and you would notice that not just your pimples but even those ugly acne scars have vanished!

Egg whites: Not many people know that you can use egg whites in order to treat acne! Create a facemask out of egg whites and leave it on your face for an entire night; it is preferable to wear this 'mask' at bedtime for obvious reasons!

The Tomato-Cucumber Combo: These oft-eaten vegetables are also great in treating acne. Extract the liquid juice from both these vegetables and then mix them; then wash your face thoroughly, and apply the juice on to the affected area! The antioxidant properties of tomato would help prevent further damage of your skin. These two vegetables also help in making the skin smoother, tighter and stronger!

Article Source: http://totalinfotips.com/acne/article1.php
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My acne got significantly better when I switched from commercial soaps to soapnuts or just plain baking soda for washing, apple cider vinegar rinses my hair, rice vinegar for face and skin(the lower acidity of rice vinegar is closer to the ph skin needs is what I read) Now that I have been off regular soaps for over a year I sometimes use no soap or rinses of any kind just water and a cotton wash cloth used to scrub away dead skin and clean pores out, I am still shocked at how well this actually works!! Granted, I look like a bit of a red lobster directly after the scrub but as long as you aren't too rough with areas like nose skin it doesn't do any damage.(I have accidentally made my nose skin bleed) I also only shower once a week, which also took a year of body training, and I realize is not for everyone
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One of the more commonly overlooked hormonal acne remedies is also the simplest.

Vitamin D is correlated with many different body functions that we know of including estrogen and testosterone production.

Go out in the sun for 15-20 minutes a day to get your daily dose of D.

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Endotoxin seems directly connected. Bad poop=acne for me. Try raw carrots with some coconut oil maybe. Sun will help via stress reduction. Estrogen promotes stress and endotoxin etc, so it might actually be a result from the pill.
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Drink more water.
Drink herbal teas (unsweetened)
Increase your Omega 3 fats. (Fish oil, hemp, flax, chia)
Take milk thistle tincture to help out your liver.
Look into a supplement with DIM.
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I have had the exact same problem, and after dealing with it once I (shudder) went onto a different pill for 6 months, and when I went off that I had the same problem again. Both times after much trial and error with all sorts of internal and external remedies I heard about Vitex (agnus castus or chaste tree berry). I take 1ml morning and night (of a good quality tincture) and after 3 or 4 months I'm all fixed. I start to see the acne diminishing after 2 months or so. It's a really good herb for balancing hormones, helps get your body producing what it should be producing, and not lazy like it was when you're on the pill. I agree that it's important to use the correct external cleansers (eg, apple cider vinegar's great), but you would know that your acne is coming from an imbalance inside you, not because you're not cleansing properly, and you need to deal with it primarily from an internal perspective. That was my experience anyway... good luck.
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I get hormonal acne with pregnancy. This isn't an all natural remedy or anything but it works. Wash your face with Dawn, the dish soap, every other day. Stop when the acne clears up. It will strip the essential oils from your face if you use it for too long but when you have painful acne you'll do anything. I'm convinced that it is the secret ingredient in proactive.
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I have acne since I was 12 and I am 30 now. Nothing helped except Roaccutane. All the other things didn't work for me. How hard it might be, try not to pop your pimples as it will only cause extra scaring. I have even set up a blog about acne to help others: http://stopacnevandaag.nl
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I don't think stripping the natural oils from your face helps.  There are people getting great results washing their face with water and oil.  Seriously.  You splash water on your face, then a few drops of oil onto your hands, then rub that all over to loosen up dirt and oil, then rinse with hot water.  


The woman who runs this site has had great success with DIY cleansers based on oils.
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Hormonal acne is so frustrating.  I dealt with this most of my life also--except when pregnant or nursing. I don't have a magic cure, no particular soaps or astringents natural or otherwise made much of a difference.  My understanding of these cyclical breakouts is that hormones cause your pores to expand and shrink at different point in the menstrual cycle, and this can trap irritants in the pores and trigger inflammation.  So keep your skin reasonably clean and use whatever product relieves inflammation for you.

I have noticed that the acne was always worse when I was living or travelling places with a lot of iron in the water--old rusty pipes were the absolute worst.  

I just wash with plain water now and nothing else, not because it's miraculous but just because why stress out about a regime that makes almost no difference.

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