Woa, thanks to everyone for your input! I had no idea it was so difficult growing fruit. It has been quite the adventure, each year I learn a little more and things get a little better. Our local extension has been busy but they got back to me and believe they are codling moths.
I have posted their response below for anyone interested. We have been battling mites in our pear trees as well so hopefully this winter I can knock them out with the oil we purchased, and then I’m gonna get these apple buggers under control! We actually had some nice rainier cherries this year but the birds got them before we could protect them

maybe next year!
You have asked about insects that have damaged the apples in your photos. This appears to be evidence of codling moths, a primary pest of apple trees in Washington. At this time, you need to remove the infected fruit, as well as nearby places where the larvae may overwinter.
Then, you have the winter to decide your approach to managing the codling moth for next year. Non-pesticide strategies include bagging the fruit and putting corrugated
cardboard rings around the trunk to trap the larvae.
There are a variety of pesticides available for home gardeners, and these include some organic options. If you decide to use a pesticide, you must follow the instructions on the label.
This link includes further information on pesticides, although home gardeners are limited to the remedies in the section "HOME USE".