Jason Fay wrote:Hey all
This was the most obvious place for me to start pulling my research together. I’m just starting to look into solar panels. My focus here is just the setup part not the panels . I’m not an electrician so a good question for me to ask is, how can I get the most out of a set of panels. Where would I be losing energy, in a setup or in a product? What would you consider an efficient setup?
Jason Fay wrote:Hey all
how can I get the most out of a set of panels. [...] What would you consider an efficient setup?
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
Some places need to be wild
S Bengi wrote:The newer batteries, LiFePO4 cost a little less than $1000 per 1000Whr. Technically someone could build one for about 1/3 that cost.
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
Until you dig a hole, plant a tree, water it and make it survive, you haven't done a thing - Wangari Maathai
permaculture bootcamp - learn permaculture through a little hard work