ABL, Always be learnin'
Spero Meliora
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
John C Daley wrote:You speak of limited cash being available.
Being realistic about what you can achieve depends on the available cash at the moment.
You speak of a 12 x 16' cabin initially, are there alternatives in the short term, say 18 months.
- tent,
- caravan,
- shipping container,
- garage that turns from accomodation now to workshop later.
If its not going to be used during a severe winter period a simple shed / garage may work.
What is the weather like? 20 inches oif rain is better than where I am in Australia and I catch about 100,000L of rain a year in tanks.
You also speak of creating ponds at an early stage, for what purpose that a bit of rainfall collection may suit instead?
Planting trees etc at an early stage is a brilliant idea that many miss because of the focus on accommodation.
Are you far from anywhere that water could be carted in the drier period s and stored in a large tank and used for watering etc?
ABL, Always be learnin'
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
John C Daley wrote:Can I ask what area are you in? I will study water etc in the area.
Ponds at the top may help, but normally a large catchment area is needed to get water flowing.
Some of my dams have a catchment of 20 to 100 acres, and most hilltops do not have that.
My signature has a topic about catching rainfall and you may find that useful.
I believe there are better systems than wells available to you today.
I take it the above ground storage tanks are big to reduce a tendency to freeze solid.
hats something I will look into .
ABL, Always be learnin'
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:To me, ponds are expensive to build so if I were buying that property, I would decide what I really wanted the most. A cabin or ponds.
I would pick the cabin and place a water catchment system on the roof with a storage tank.
Spero Meliora
See Hes wrote:Hi Nat,
I have watched people a lot in Thailand how they are doing and money is always an issue beside there are no well stocked Garden Centers as we Westerners are used to.
First they grab what they can get hold on.
Frequent used spots like parking spots on Highways and Public places where people have a Picnic etc. is almost a guarantee for 'wild' growing saplings or other plants.
Old ruins of houses have a good stock of plants and some saplings coming up, you can air player some stuff or pinch some scions for grafting.
Plant nurseries, farmers markets, Supermarkets throw most likely rotten fruits and veggies away. If you "rescue" them you will most likely end up with bolting plants hence an abundance of own seeds..
Neighbors and hobby gardens sure will share some seeds/plants.
Its a bit going with open eyes around and look specifically for all kind of stuff in public places, plant it and see what comes out.
First is to overfill your land with freebies wherever you can get hold on and let mother nature regulate herself in a later stage if it gets too tight..
The infrastructure will cost but also some stuff will be found on constructions sites and safes you a coin.
My father in law says, money is laying on the street but not everybody sees it and only a few know how to pick it up.
Good luck with your project
ABL, Always be learnin'
John C Daley wrote:Web site detailing rainfall catchment in Washington State
Such weird policies for me to see are listed on the above site.
'Under our current policy, you don’t need a water right permit to collect rainwater, with a few conditions:
Rainwater must be used on the property where it is collected.
Rainwater can only be collected from existing structures that have another purpose other than collecting rainwater.
If we find that rainwater collection is negatively affecting existing water rights in an area, local restrictions may be developed to govern new systems. However, we do not expect the collection of harvested rainwater to cause problems.
If you are planning to use rainwater as your primary drinking water source for new building construction, you'll need to check with your county to see if it is allowed.'
ABL, Always be learnin'
Anne Miller wrote:To me, ponds are expensive to build so if I were buying that property, I would decide what I really wanted the most. A cabin or ponds.
I would pick the cabin and place a water catchment system on the roof with a storage tank.
I then would study Brad Lancaster's techniques, will help with that:
Then I would need to decide how to get rid of human waste.
This book will help:
Next, I would look for native plants to plant that will not need to be watered. If I plant 5 trees then go back home will these trees survive without water?
That is a beautiful property so enjoy every minute you can spend there!
ABL, Always be learnin'
Misty May wrote:I would start with a list (I am a list maker so that's where I start with everything.). I would make that list in 3 sections -- must haves, would like to haves, and wishes for the property. Then prioritize the list starting with the must haves & make yourself a to do list. Are there must haves that take a long time to get established like an orchard? Those would move to an earlier part of the to do list.
Then I would walk the property and make a really good map (or have the husband make it because maps and I don't get along). Walk it when it is wet and walk it when it is dry. Are there places that stay wet and soggy? Are there places that always seem dry? What areas get good light and which ones don't. Add things to the map where you think they would go best based on what your walk about showed. Make several versions -- 1 year plan, 5 years, 10 years. See if you like how it looks. Edit as needed.
ABL, Always be learnin'
There are many that make collecting rainwater illegal.
I have a stream running through my property but I cant touch the water to use..........
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
Nat Kadziel wrote:
I have a bit of a nursery from starting fruit, nut trees and shrubs from seed or softwood cuttings. Any advice/cost saving measures are appreciated.
If you hear a voice within you saying "you are not a painter", then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
- Vincent Van Gogh
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
Nat Kadziel wrote: I mentioned before money is limited but I found what I think is a reasonably priced landscape contractor and I have a bit of a nursery from starting fruit, nut trees and shrubs from seed or softwood cuttings. Any advice/cost saving measures are appreciated.
If you hear a voice within you saying "you are not a painter", then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
- Vincent Van Gogh
ABL, Always be learnin'
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
I knew that guy would be trouble! Thanks tiny ad!
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies