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Just my 2 cents...
Money may not make people happy but it will get you all the warm fuzzy puppies you can cuddle and that makes most people happy.
Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
Assume that the person you are listening to might know something that you don't
Abandon Ideology
Be grateful in spite of your suffering
The Duke in his blog wrote:Electric cars are awesome. Electric public transportation is even better.
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
Dave Bross wrote:Agreed on the Seattle bus system. When I lived there in the Wallingford neighborhood in the 1990s I used it a LOT, but, as you said, that was the era when it started taking longer and longer to get where you were going, buses were often overloaded to the point they had to pass you by at the stops and the crazies would attack drivers or passengers.
I had a close one with a gang of teenage punks but had my big ol' Lab dog (they did let you bring your dog on the bus) with me so I guess they thought better of actually trying what they were threatening. No doubt they would have beat me down and robbed me right there on the bus if I hadn't had the dog.
It wasn't too long after I left Seattle that the bus went off the Ballard bridge into the water and killed/injured everyone when a crazy jumped the driver and he lost control.
The plus side was that between the bus and a bicycle, the bicycle being an even faster-than-a-car way to get around because the city was always gridlocked around rush hours, my bank account fattened a good bit from being able to bypass all the costs of car ownership.
Man, am I ever glad I finally got back to the country here in FL.
Whenever I think of cities I think about that experiment with the rats where the guy kept adding to the population of the rat "city" and then at one point the rats all came unglued and started into destructive behavior.
Here's a link to more detail on that if that's of interest:
Never again will I live in a city.
George Yacus wrote:
The biggest detriment of public transit for me is:
Everything revolves around the transportation system's scheduling, not my heart's desires. This makes it hard to be fully 'present' for my own needs, and for others I may encounter. Often I'd love to pause and soak up one more hour with people whom I love in places I'm enjoying, ...but gotta' catch that bus/subway/tram/boat/train! "Kairos" time is sacrificed for the sake of the measured and periodic "Chronos" time.
George Yacus wrote:
We've essentially foregone driving our gas-guzzler vehicle for a two and a half years now, and it was quite the experience swapping to public transit full time. I agree that a well-designed regional public transportation system is amazing and convenient, and I'm happy to have experienced such a network. Unfortunately there are dozens of things I've disliked about relying on public transit the past two years. I've listed a bunch below, so the next time when I'm stuck in traffic surrounded by fumes, I'll be able to fondly think back to this post and be like "you know, either way, it's not all that bad."
George Yacus wrote:
Things I haven't liked about public transit:
The need for 100% vigilance at all times so my wallet, phone, and luggage don't get swiped or forgotten.
George Yacus wrote:
If I'm trying to get to the sticks or burbs to visit loved ones, but the lines don't really go there, so I need to call them to bum a ride. But fortunately we have a charged smartphone with service in this area, right? When a small folding-bicycle didn't quite fit in the luggage spaces...and for some reason the tire just popped. So much for that "last mile" solution. For all us immigrants, expats, refugees, world travelers, etc. who don't have full command of a language. What was that announcement? Did we miss our stop? Do those folks need to swap trains? Are we in the correct section when this train splits?
George Yacus wrote:
Wait. Whose little toddler is this walking around panhandling? Where did their mom go!? Where have all the open seats gone?
George Yacus wrote:
Strategic dehydration; adjusting bathroom breaks based on a train's location, acceleration, or bathroom quality.
George Yacus wrote:
Carrying everything on my back and/or dealing with malfunctioning rolling luggage. Not being able to haul stuff. I'd really like to bring back a bunch of potting soil, tools, and dimensional lumber from a big-box store.
George Yacus wrote:
When there's a pandemic, and the local government says only certain individuals have the privilege to ride public transport. The only way one can earn said privilege is if an approved person tickles their brain with a Q-tip, or if they voluntarily got stabbed the correct number of times with a syringe a few months ago and can prove it in a government database or via a "passport". Regardless of your views on COVID prevention, "Paper's please." is just too Orwellian for my liking. Likewise, when the rules say you better not take off that mask, which you've been wearing for how many days now? Even thoughspecific transport system everyone else is taking off their masks, especially the "at risk" age group which the regulations were designed to protect. Gosh I miss breathing normally and smelling the world. I digress. *exits public transit and inhales with great relish*
George Yacus wrote:
"Woah!" *cough cough* The smell of urine. They need some sawdust down here! *Mask back on for a little bit, then back outside in fresh air. Mask comes off* Moments later my eyes water... I hate smoke blown in my eyes, tobacco or otherwise. Back on a train. In the middle of a rural area, it stops. Something about a vehicle blocking the track. Outside a station, a less fortunate man is panhandling. I have money, but then see the cigarettes and booze next him. I feel a little guilty about not helping, but good about not contributing to his demise. I walk on by. Moments later, I see a hypodermic needle in another guy's arm. In a subway terminal, a foreigner is asking me for some information near a ticket kiosk, and I want to help, but I can't fully understand him, and we have only seconds to spare before the subway leaves. I make my choice and we walk on. The public transit union operators occasionally decide to strike. But fortunately they give everyone advanced notice, and we own sneakers. Months later, a bus driver just stops and kicks everyone out. Um. Okay. Perhaps they're striking... again?
George Yacus wrote:
My loved one decides to clean the blender with her finger... while it was plugged in. When are the buses running?! Time passes. Has the blood stopped yet? Time to bum a ride from our friends to the hospital.
George Yacus wrote:
AC is broken, and I'm in a tropical climate. Later, heat is on full blast, and even though I'm in a pleasant temperate climate.
George Yacus wrote:
Car culture is a uniquely American thing, flowing deeply from our rebellious nature and "rugged individualism". It emphasizes personal freedom, uniqueness and individual accountability, rather than collective ownership, team identity, and duty. So it's not for everyone, but gosh I miss it! I look forward to the next time I'm in my jeep, the back filled to the brim with the glorious smell of mulch, as I go to plant some trees, blaring Boston on the radio with the windows down and top rolled back while singing along in the sun at the top of my lungs trying to hit the high notes.
George Yacus wrote:
And electric trucks especially are inspiring, too. I have a strong feeling that Vehicle-to-House (V2H) technology -- powering your home from your vehicle -- is going to be key to a few solar-enabled off-grid permaculture sites, as well as suburbanites seeking greater resilience during freak weather events.
Education is a state controlled factory for echoes. -Norman Douglas | History is a vast early warning system. -Norman Cousins
There is thinking about how to do something, and there is doing it. Eighty percent of the time one or the other is overlooked.
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