I was thinking of using a stainless ShopVac hull as the oven chamber, inside of an un-split 55 gal barrel outer shell. (I've saved a few up over the years at the transfer station...)
Haven't done the exact measurements to see if there's the right clearances... but it would be a slight scaling down at least, even if it still had insulation on the outside.
Our countertop Breville oven takes 1/4 sheet pans or a standard frozen pizza (14"?) which seems like a good "small oven" size. It's also tall enough to roast a
chicken (without spatchcocking).
Maybe a 5 gallon metal paint can would work for the oven chamber?
A lot of the commercial patio wood-fired pizza oven thingys are flatter, flying saucer shaped. More closely shaped/sized for pizzas. (go figure)
Maybe a cut-down in height drum would work?
Seems like a white oven chamber in a bell, and a j-tube is the basics, no?
Then, it's find a ready-made chamber, or fabricate one.