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Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:I would recommend any books by Stephen H Buhner, I have his "Herbal Antibiotics" and here is another:
Since I already have lived in Mexico I will not read your book though I am sure it is a good one since you are recommending it.
My adventure was a fun experience though that was another lifetime.
Since I am not taking you up on your deal I'll not expect you to read these though they are by some of our forum members:
You might find some other ones on our Book Review Grid:
pax amor et lepos in iocando
Learning slowly...
How works
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"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
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Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts. ~Wendell Berry
When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
-Avatar Aang
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
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A PDC for cold climate homesteaders