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Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts. ~Wendell Berry
I chop and drop almost everything, so there is a thick mulch layer everywhere, and I'm also making compost that should be ready come autumn."
Amy Gardener wrote:
Use those long pieces to form temporary wattle shade fences to protect your young plants. To do this, I use bamboo stakes that are 4-6 feet tall spaced about 9" apart vertically (or appropriately angled) around or to the west of the young plants | 9" | 9" | 9" | .... Take the longish plant material and weave it along the verticals with horizontal spacing that filters the extreme sunlight light. I keep building these mini-shade wattles all summer with long trimmings.
These temporary wattles provide mulch as they decompose from the bottom. Press down on the horizontal material and keep adding to the weave as needed. Works really well for me in the screaming hot New Mexico desert.
Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts. ~Wendell Berry
Skyler Weber wrote:The Empress Tree, Paulownia tomentosa, is one of the fastest growing trees in the world and it can exist up to zone 9. Some report it growing twenty feet in a year. Of course, those kind of results need frequent irrigation. Honeylocust is another option though slower growing, the wood is strong and the roots won't damage foundations.
Edward Norton wrote:When you say you need a license for built structures, does that mean permanent structures? Would a simple frame and shade cloth require a license? Or even just poles? Maybe something like this?
Or this:
But not this:
Could be a question of scale . . . What you can get away with. What do your neighbours do?
William Bronson wrote:Edward has good points.
I would add that a grape arbor can add lots of shade, without being a "shade structure " persay.
Kim Goodwin wrote:Are you allowed to put up a trellis? I'm in the desert SW, and this arch trellis below creates a shaded bed underneath it where I can grow a lot more things than I could out in the open.
These is a wonderful thread here on permies from a woman in South Africa who gardens vertically, creating shade via vining plants. She inspired me to do a to of the same, and it's working very well. If someone has that thread bookmarked and can share it, that would be awesome. I seem to have lost it, and I've tried searching unsuccessfully. I think she titled is something like "Gardens in the clouds" or maybe said that at some point... I can't believe I've misplaced it. I will recheck my bookmarks.
Another thing you can do is shade the ground quickly via fast growing plants. In some areas, we've used sunchokes for this purpose. In others, we've used plants typically grown as vines as groundcovers instead, like lablab (hyacinth bean) and cowpeas. I also use vining squash like butternut squash to provide a lot of shade to the ground around more heat sensitive plants.
Other examples, ageratum is a fast growing, sun loving, heat tolerant flower -I have those all around raspberries to shade and cool the ground around the more sensitive berries.
I use plants because we don't mulch in our gardens due to the presence of lots of venomous snakes. Mulch would make it too hard to see them if they got in the garden. Though our gardens are snake fenced, I removed a gopher snake (not a venomous snake) and a young rattlesnake (potentially dangerous and could not even rattle yet) already this year!
Anne Miller wrote:Hi, welcome to the forum.
I have read about folks using a product called "Shade Sails". I have not used these though it might be something that will work for you.
These threads mention Shade Sail:
Amy Gardener wrote:Helen wrote:
I chop and drop almost everything, so there is a thick mulch layer everywhere, and I'm also making compost that should be ready come autumn."
Great work with the thick mulch!
Sometimes, the material for mulching includes long material with side leaves or branches that can be stripped to form wattle material: tall sunflowers, branches, vines, longish sticks. Save the long material and mulch the rest. Use those long pieces to form temporary wattle shade fences to protect your young plants. To do this, I use bamboo stakes that are 4-6 feet tall spaced about 9" apart vertically (or appropriately angled) around or to the west of the young plants | 9" | 9" | 9" | .... Take the longish plant material and weave it along the verticals with horizontal spacing that filters the extreme sunlight light. I keep building these mini-shade wattles all summer with long trimmings.
These temporary wattles provide mulch as they decompose from the bottom. Press down on the horizontal material and keep adding to the weave as needed. Works really well for me in the screaming hot New Mexico desert.
Can you include a picture, Amy; this sounds really neat! I'd love to see an example.
Kim Goodwin wrote:
These is a wonderful thread here on permies from a woman in South Africa who gardens vertically, creating shade via vining plants. She inspired me to do a to of the same, and it's working very well. If someone has that thread bookmarked and can share it, that would be awesome. I seem to have lost it, and I've tried searching unsuccessfully. I think she titled is something like "Gardens in the clouds" or maybe said that at some point...
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My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
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Helen Siddall-Butchers wrote:That's a new one for me Melissa, and it sounds perfect! I'll check out the seed catalogues. I managed a 32lb pumpkin last year, so squashes in general seem to like our setup here!
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