Tess Daniels wrote:Howdy. I'm on the coast of Maine and have a small house and don't use much electricity. I'm thinking of getting a'portable solar generator' for blackouts. I really wanted a Bison hand pump for my well, but the cost of it and installation would be on a par with a small portable solar generator. A generator could handle a lot more tasks than a hand pump. I'm just starting to gather info. Anyone out there have one they like ? My needs are : pump the water, power the laptop which my phone works through, maybe run a light. I heat with wood and use candles or flashlights now when the electric goes down. Longest it was out for was 5 days. Generally the electric goes down during winter storms, so keeping food cold is not a problem. Thanks for any info you can give me on this.
David Baillie wrote:so, I would first want to know what you have now for a well pump. Most important is it 120 volt or 240. Most of the solar generators (batteries with an inverter no need to give them a fancy name) are 120 and so would not start a 240 pump. Starting a pump is a huge load on an inverter so you would want to make sure the inverter is strong enough to start the pump.
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
David Baillie wrote:so, I would first want to know what you have now for a well pump. Most important is it 120 volt or 240. Most of the solar generators (batteries with an inverter no need to give them a fancy name) are 120 and so would not start a 240 pump. Starting a pump is a huge load on an inverter so you would want to make sure the inverter is strong enough to start the pump.
David asks the right quesions. The well pump is the wild card. These take a lot of energy. Even the little Honda gas genny I have can't run the well pump.
(And dammit he beat me to it -- my internet went down as I tried to post much the same a couple of hours ago. But it's good advice. And David was first past the post.)
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David Baillie wrote:... I have a 4000 watt no name generator that starts our 240volt pump with no problem.
Mike Philips wrote: I googled it and it seems most well pumps are 3-phase induction motors.
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