No man is an island.
Tim Siemens wrote:We have a Pampered Chef press that works well.
Its not stainless but it is sturdy.
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I like microplaners, too, Jay. They clearly won't meet my wife's criteria, but for my own curiosity: what do you do with the nubby bit of garlic left that you can't shave without giving yourself an overly aggressive manicure?Jay Angler wrote:I use a micro-planer specifically because my hands are too small to get decent pressure on any garlic press I've tried to use.
I certainly will.If you find one that works with tiny hands, please let us know!
Gift to the compost Gods. That said, with my small hands, I can get pretty close using my Lee Valley Microplane.Beau M. Davidson wrote:what do you do with the nubby bit of garlic left that you can't shave without giving yourself an overly aggressive manicure?
Yes! That sort of thing often works for me. To use loppers, I put one arm against my body, and use both hands on the other arm and when a friend saw me doing that, she immediately started copying me. Body mechanics is something I'm super aware of.This one is a slightly different take, and might work for small hands. It sits on your counter and lets you press down with your body weight. Beast Canteen Garlic Press:
Have you tried one of those rubbery circles they sell for bottle opening, under the handle on the counter to improve the friction?I have to put one handle on the counter and, getting the angle just right so it shoots onto the cutting board, press down with my whole weight on the other handle and pray it doesn't shoot across the room again.
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I've been told that every tool has a hammer end...Timothy Norton wrote: Maybe if I could find a stainless steel one built to also be used as a hammer in a time of need but alas no luck...
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L Gudgel wrote:I have the WMF Profi Plus Garlic press. I love it! It's stainless steel and virtually indestructible. It requires very little strength to press, which is why I bought it. It doesn't have a cleaner, but I clean it by soaking it in water which expands the little bits of garlic left in the holes and then they're easy to brush out.
Finished one life quest, on to the next!
Tim Siemens wrote:We have a Pampered Chef press that works well.
Its not stainless but it is sturdy.
Tereza Okava wrote:(I don't think it's normal, just what I do here at the Depths of Laziness Ranch)
Judy J Johnston wrote:beast ...pressing down ...does it crush .... some don't press tight enough and half the clove just sits there uncrushed
Beau M. Davidson wrote:
The Kuhn Rikon Epicurean (and all its rip-offs) looks decent, except it doesn't have an integrated cleaner.
“Civilization has not much to brag about. It drives its victims in flocks repressing the growth of individuality” - John Muir
Beau M. Davidson wrote:So we ordered this Gourmet Easy one.
We got the option with the bigger holes, thinking maybe it would pulverize less while being easier to clean.
I do think it's cool that you can get the big hole one and the small hole one, and use the same upper lever.
Haven't put it through the ropes yet, but dinking around with it felt pretty good. Sturdy, easy to disassemble, the top part lets you kind of scoop out the cup portion through the open top.
Will update after a few weeks of use.