leee Davis : Welcome to Permies, be sure to take the time to look at All the other forums, we are a very Diverse Group, or Motley Crew if you will .
At the bottom of every page be sure to check out the 'similar threads (others have visited )'!
Please go to 'rocketstoves.com' to download your PDF copy $15
.oo of Ianto Evans' great book '
Rocket Mass Heaters' there is no other com-
-parable source for rocket stove information in any language (and I don't make a nickel )!
After you have had a chance to read up on Rocket Stoves you will know what we mean when we talk about -
Feed Tubes, Burn Tunnels, and Heat
Risers, and how they make up a 'Rocket Stove', and can be made by a dedicated scrounger for $100, or less.
In the meantime you could go to youtube.com and type web4deb into the youtube search engine, and then scroll down to the Rocket Stove playlist
while this system is not ideal for what you want, it will show you a system type that can be used with out blowing yourself up, what we call BOOM -
SQUISH ! Think about what happened in Boston !!!
For the good of the Craft, Be Safe, Keep Warm, PYROmagically - Big AL