Whenever this subject comes up, I spend some time thinking about what could I possibly post here that I wouldn't want people to find with a search. I think I write respectfully about people in general. I guess if I were having a problem with a neighbor, I might want to write about it more candidly than they would really appreciate. Or I might write about ignoring
local ordinances and incriminate myself for building a shed without pulling permits or composting feces...that kind of thing. But like, mostly, if the HR guy at some potential employer discovered I spend a lot of time
gardening, it's hard to imagine how that might hurt anything. It feels like you all must have more interesting lives than I do.
(I'm aware that the chances of being randomly stalked are about a million times higher for anyone who presents as a woman, so there's a big helping of male privilege in the above stance that doesn't need to be corrected.)