Recommended reading material: Romans 10:9
Recommended reading material: Romans 10:9
Recommended reading material: Romans 10:9
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r ranson wrote:For the next spam attack, one report is enough. It takes twice as long to deal with each report as it does to remove a spam post..
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
r ranson wrote:For the next spam attack, one report is enough. It takes twice as long to deal with each report as it does to remove a spam post..
Roger Wilco. Thanks for the heads-up! I did not know that.
Nicole Alderman wrote:In other news, congrats on 1,200 apples!
Douglas Alpenstock wrote:
Nicole Alderman wrote:In other news, congrats on 1,200 apples!
Hey, thanks. Apples are fun.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Nicole Alderman wrote:Speaking of fun amounts of apples, John, you now have 666 apples!
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
r ranson wrote:For the next spam attack, one report is enough. It takes twice as long to deal with each report as it does to remove a spam post.
And there will be more spam attacks. It's the internet.
Back when I was a regular user, I found it easier to do one report and go have a cuppa tea or do something offline for an hour while stuff sorted itself out.
Either that or play the positive spam game and see if I could create two helpful posts (like answering questions from the zero reply list) for every one spam post. Considering how much spam we used to get...well, you can see my post count. Most of that is from back then.
Recommended reading material: Romans 10:9
r ranson wrote:
But in the end, there is only one way to prevent any spam from getting through. It's a bit like this.
Recommended reading material: Romans 10:9
Peter E Johnson wrote:I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but a lot of forums have a "cool down period". Basically one post a day, until you have a decent reputation..
Wow! It's so clean! Did you do this tiny ad?
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