Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
I just made a Waldorf salad with a tasty dressing
15-oz) can chickpeas undrained
2 tablespoons roasted sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon stone-ground mustard
1⁄4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
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How works:
Jay Angler wrote:My reaction at the title was to start with a humus recipe, and thin it down.
Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
Leigh Tate wrote: Jay, this sounds like the kind of idea I'm looking for. Now it will be a double adventure because I'll have to learn how to make humus!
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Jay Angler wrote:Kate Downham had a recipe in her Off-grid Kitchen book if you have it?
Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
How works:
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
Works at a residential alternative high school in the Himalayas . "Back home" is Cape Cod, E Coast USA.
Leigh Tate wrote:Experiment #1.
I took a look at Kate Downham's hummus recipe and compared it to the one Kevin posted, as well as one I found with Brave browser's AI. All three had similar ingredients, but ChatGPT's added water to thin to a salad dressing consistency. I used the ingredients I had and sort of melded all three recipes.
2 cups canned garbanzo beans
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic
1 tsp dijon mustrd
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
6 tbsp water
Whirred it up in my blender, adding 1 tablespoon of water at a time until I got a creamy, salad dressing like consistency.
Just taste testing right out of the blender, I wasn't sure I'd like it. It seemed to have too much dijon. But then I tried it on my salad and it was great! I didn't have tahini, which I like and would like to try in another batch. And I have ideas for flavor variety and some other ingredients to switch it up. I think it would make a good dip for veggie sticks too.
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Blog: 5 Acres & A Dream
Books: Kikobian Books | Permies Digital Market
Leigh Tate wrote:Cécile, thanks! Both look good. It's interesting that one uses the liquid from the canned chickpeas, while the other drains and rinses them, and then uses water. I'll have to try it both ways.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
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