Stephen B. Thomas wrote:Looks good, Sherry!
Question for you about your cob composition... How much straw would you say is mixed into your cob, compared to sand and clay?
Thank you! I use our subsoil as it. I simply screen it through 1/4" hardware cloth first. I did try it without screening during one rainy spell and the decomposed granite sliced my toes like a razor blade while I was mixing it.
For straw, I use the chopped straw for grass planting from Lowe's. I would say I only have 15% straw by volume. I add three big handfuls to 2 5 gallon buckets of earth. That's all I can handle at a time.
This does crack a bit if it is applied less than 3" thick or very wet. You can see that from the rough plaster on the wall. For the finish plaster, I'll use 1:1 earth and sand mix and then add that 4 parts to 1 part cow manure.
Hope this helps!