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Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Vic Johanson
"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's"--William Blake
Olivia Helmer wrote:in much of the world where girls are circumcised it is actually done by doctors ...
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Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Cj Verde wrote:
Olivia Helmer wrote:in much of the world where girls are circumcised it is actually done by doctors ...
Where is that?
Nick Kitchener wrote:I know a guy who got circumcised when he was in his early 20's because his girlfriend at the time objected to foreskin and talked him into it.
Apparently it was an extremely painful ordeal lasting for weeks.
Vic Johanson
"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's"--William Blake
Cj Verde wrote:
Olivia Helmer wrote:in much of the world where girls are circumcised it is actually done by doctors ...
Where is that?
wayne stephen wrote:I do not consider it baffling that anyone would consider male circumcision and female genital mutilation uncorrelated . If two thirds of the penis was removed leaving just enough of the organ for reproduction to occur and this was done on a 5-10 year old boy without anasthesia - by his father , brothers , uncles as a mob - then I would call it baffling to not see a correlation . Religously, circumcision is done to males as a symbol of joining in covenant with God . Females are circumcised to keep them from enjoying sex so they don't commit adultery . Circumcision has never stopped a man from commiting adultery . Unless threatened with it by an angry wife .
intact americaMyth – Circumcision is just a little snip.
Fact – Surgical removal of the foreskin involves immobilizing the baby by strapping him face-up onto a molded plastic board. In one common method, the doctor then inserts a metal instrument under the foreskin to forcibly separate it from the glans, slits the foreskin, and inserts a circumcision device. The foreskin is crushed and then cut off. The amount of skin removed in a typical infant circumcision is the equivalent of 15 square inches in an adult male.
Victor Johanson wrote:it is possible to regrow a foreskin through gentle stretching, at least regaining its covering function. Those who have accomplished this testify that their sexual pleasure is greatly enhanced. I'm thinking about trying it; takes a few years.
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Vic Johanson
"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's"--William Blake
“Enough is as good as a feast"
-Mary Poppins
The judge found the mom had willfully violated the plan she signed when the boy was 1. The judge also said Hironimus had committed a "direct, contemptuous violation" of court orders by continuing to team with circumcision opposition groups — called "intactivists" — that have "plastered" the child's photos and name "all over the Internet."
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Michael Cox wrote:Sad case, but as always there is another side to the story.
The judge found the mom had willfully violated the plan she signed when the boy was 1. The judge also said Hironimus had committed a "direct, contemptuous violation" of court orders by continuing to team with circumcision opposition groups — called "intactivists" — that have "plastered" the child's photos and name "all over the Internet."
The mother originally agreed to the circumcision and signed papers to that effect. It is quite a different legal position to the "father wants it mother and child don't" that is painted in some of the new stories and articles.
News article reporting on the judgement
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
“Enough is as good as a feast"
-Mary Poppins
"Don't believe every tiny ad you see on the internet. But this one is rock solid." - George Washington
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