BRK #231
Happy Roundwood Furniture Day to you...!
It's another brand-new Half-Assed Holiday, and one we were all excited to
experience. But first: here's today's obligatory cat picture. Looks like it was a bit too early in the morning for everyone.
Now that's out of the way, I'm pleased to share photos from today's efforts in building two kitchen chairs for the Fisher Price House. I'll tell you up front that the chairs weren't finished, and we'll probably have them done by the end of the week. It was a sizeable challenge and a lot of firsts for us, in general.
Reid prepped us with the chair designs in a fancy-shmancy "burn after reading" secret document...
We broke up into smaller teams.
Moto Jeff and I were in charge of adding tenons to all the cross-supports for the chairs. Along with a drawknife, we used the tenon-making tool mounted to a drill. It kind of looks like a "Marvin the Martian" ray gun.
You press the business-end onto a stick you want to trim down to a dowel of a certain size. For today, we made 1.5" and .75" tenons for the chair
project. To start it off, we would clamp a branch into the shop vise, like this.
Here's Moto Jeff doin' a number on one of the branches.
Here's a selection of our finished tenons:
The other
Boots were also busy, of
course, on their own segments of the project. Pictured here are
Wesley and Reid. Also working today were
Caleb and
SEPPer Julia.
I somehow lost my photo of Caleb at work with the chainsaw on a couple slabs of wood to make the seat planks, but at least here's a look at his progress.
At about half past 3, Moto Jeff and I had finished the tenons, so we peeled off to work in the kitchen to prepare our "Lumberjack Breakfast for Dinner." I'd say it turned out quite good.
SEPPer Jeff even brought out some cinnamon rolls for us...!
Pancakes (regular sourdough and vegan), a couple types of sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, cinnamon rolls,
apple juice and orange juice... An excellent spread to finish off a heavy day. We're looking forward to wrapping-up those chairs this week.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!