BRK #258
There were lots of moving parts to this week, and I'm grateful for the "day off" that Saturday provides.
Today was full of what I call "Little Nature," the kind of stuff you notice only when you're up to your elbows in the garden. For instance, here's a spider moving house, likely off to greener, corn-free pastures (I was planting at the time).
When growing in
hugel berms, there's often a chunk or two of
wood. Well, this is the second example I have of the main
root of an unassuming blade of grass literally piercing said chunk of wood. The second one I saw today had worked its way completely through the wood chunk.
This little fellow is unwelcome, in my opinion. I tossed it away from the hugel berm, hoping that a bird would swoop down and snatch it up before too long. I'm just heartless.
Here's what remains of a
gift of "storing onions." Thanks,
Samantha! We're looking forward to snacking on a few fried onions this autumn.
SEPPer Catherine changed out the water today so they'll stay fresh before planting.
Finally: credit where credit is due.
Caleb has done admirable work on the new well trench. First he had to fashion a ramp so the excavator would navigate the path along the trench, then he set to work on what will be over 400 feet of trench. Maybe one more day's worth of digging, and then the well is 80% in there. Well done, man.
That's all for now. Make the most of your weekend...!