BRK #233
Quick update for the end of the work-week. And what a week it was.
This morning's log-hauling was going wonderfully... Until a tire popped off the rim! It was the same
tractor tire that fell off the bead last time. A trip to the repair shop fixed it up in no time
flat. We'll be back at those logs early on Monday. Hopefully the weather stays cold and the mud stays firm. And that tire might need some fixing. Until then, we'll just bring along the air compressor.
In the afternoon, one of my tasks was to make another sign, this one for the Workshop. It's a counterpart to the Classroom sign I made earlier in the week, and just about half-done.
Finally: here are
Caleb and
Moto Jeff, both reflecting on one of the completed kitchen chairs started on
Roundwood Furniture Day. The project was a major learning
experience for the entire team, and now they hope to take what they've learned to make the second of the two chairs even better.
Wrapped-up the night with a viewing of
Black Caesar, a Larry Cohen "triple threat" (as in: Written, Directed, and Produced by) flick from 1973. ...Whew. This was one of those uncommon instances I ask myself,
"Why am I compelled time and again to watch such whacked-out cinema?"
Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!