Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at http://blog.dxlogan.com/ and my main site is found at http://www.dxlogan.com/
My project thread: http://www.permies.com/t/20399/projects/Maine-Master-Plan
Food, Finance, Building Connections, Asking Big Questions, Making Amazing Things Happen
Chris Badgett
Cocreator of Organic Life Guru. Have you seen what's happening over there?
D. Logan wrote:...get a reasonable bit of capital to launch a promising project...
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Food, Finance, Building Connections, Asking Big Questions, Making Amazing Things Happen
Elizabeth Ü wrote:So today I'm excited to draw some connections between the various forms of capital that I referenced above, what Ann said directly above, and the "rich dude" that Troy mentioned in his post... and
I'm willing to bet that D Logan has all sorts of other capital to draw from, if not financial capital; so in fact, there is no starting from ZERO. We all have something valuable to bring, and often, what we take for granted about ourselves (or what we think everyone else has too, so it's not unique) is exactly the thing that someone else desperately needs.
Bootstrapping is one way of going about your business. So is trying to do everything yourself. You might find yourself free of "strings," and burnt out and lonely with nobody else who feels they have a stake in your endeavor. A healthy ecosystem has a niche for everyone.
Owner, Etta Place Cider
Joe's Garden Journal Blog
Elizabeth Ü wrote:Buying "my own land" or starting "a new business" or developing "a new permaculture demonstration site" or anything else new might not actually be the most appropriate way to achieve your goals, make the most efficient use of resources, take the best advantage of your unique skills and whatever else you bring to the party, etc... though it certainly seems to be the preferred option based on the questions here. Why is that, I wonder?
There are so many forms of capital: financial, social, ecological, intellectual, cultural, experiential... I realize that this part of the forum is dedicated to finances, AND let's not lose track of the other forms, as they will also be crucial in launching a new venture, or supporting an existing one.
If you are in fact starting from "zero," one possible path toward your dream (and I don't make any assumptions about what that is!) would be go get some experience working with others who are doing something similar to what you want to do... while perhaps getting out of debt, and even building your savings, in the meantime. Even if you find yourself in a position where you are not actually earning money while contributing to a project that's not "yours," if you are intentional about it, you can make significant gains in the other types of capital.
Outdoor and Ecological articles (sporadic Mondays) at http://blog.dxlogan.com/ and my main site is found at http://www.dxlogan.com/
D. Logan wrote:One of the things about getting started on any business is capital to cover the costs of what is needed. Most of the time there seem to be two options outside of bankrolling it out of your savings. Crowd funding or bank loans. I am sure there are a number of people with zero savings they can put towards a venture who still would like to try. If they have bad credit (likely for the same reasons they have no savings), then loans are almost impossible to obtain. So then there is crowd funding, which is a hit or miss thing if you don't have a solid platform to drive people towards your project. The most solid suggestion I have seen that applies to those stuck in an absolute zero funding situation is to just start very small. For some ideas this is great, but I suspect there are some projects where this would not be viable.
I am wondering if there are any other innovative ways to circumvent a lack of funding and get a reasonable bit of capital to launch a promising project. So far, the only thing that has come to mind for a person in this situation would be to help them find a grant suited to the project they have in mind. Does anyone else have ideas for what to suggest aside from crowdfunding or 'start small'?
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:I think it would be easier to answer the question with more specifics about what the project is.
What I look at, going along with Elizabeth's point, is ways to serve the mission or purpose of the project that don't need money (many elements serving one function--is there a term for that) and also stacking functions. I can serve the purpose before money comes, as well as during and after. It's hepful to write out the definition, direciton, and purpose of hte project even if it seems obvious, just verbalizing it helps to clarify some things. I'll give an example when I have a minute here. Great discussion! Sometimes having no money creates greater ingenuity or higher performance--the problem is the solution--just like in Moneyball (spoiler alert) firing the "better" players was necessary to have the new strategy work.D. Logan wrote:One of the things about getting started on any business is capital to cover the costs of what is needed. Most of the time there seem to be two options outside of bankrolling it out of your savings. Crowd funding or bank loans. I am sure there are a number of people with zero savings they can put towards a venture who still would like to try. If they have bad credit (likely for the same reasons they have no savings), then loans are almost impossible to obtain. So then there is crowd funding, which is a hit or miss thing if you don't have a solid platform to drive people towards your project. The most solid suggestion I have seen that applies to those stuck in an absolute zero funding situation is to just start very small. For some ideas this is great, but I suspect there are some projects where this would not be viable.
I am wondering if there are any other innovative ways to circumvent a lack of funding and get a reasonable bit of capital to launch a promising project. So far, the only thing that has come to mind for a person in this situation would be to help them find a grant suited to the project they have in mind. Does anyone else have ideas for what to suggest aside from crowdfunding or 'start small'?
Community Building 2.0: ask me about drL, the rotational-mob-grazing format for human interactions.
Joshua Myrvaagnes wrote:Also, there's a book "free money 'they' don't want you to know about" by Kevin Trudeau, idk if it's any good but I know it hasn't done me any good yet because I've never gotten around to reading it! and neither have any of the people who've coffee-tabled it.
D. Logan wrote:One of the things about getting started on any business is capital to cover the costs of what is needed. Most of the time there seem to be two options outside of bankrolling it out of your savings. Crowd funding or bank loans. I am sure there are a number of people with zero savings they can put towards a venture who still would like to try. If they have bad credit (likely for the same reasons they have no savings), then loans are almost impossible to obtain. So then there is crowd funding, which is a hit or miss thing if you don't have a solid platform to drive people towards your project. The most solid suggestion I have seen that applies to those stuck in an absolute zero funding situation is to just start very small. For some ideas this is great, but I suspect there are some projects where this would not be viable.
I am wondering if there are any other innovative ways to circumvent a lack of funding and get a reasonable bit of capital to launch a promising project. So far, the only thing that has come to mind for a person in this situation would be to help them find a grant suited to the project they have in mind. Does anyone else have ideas for what to suggest aside from crowdfunding or 'start small'?
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