Bloom where you are planted.
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My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Bloom where you are planted.
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mos6507 wrote:
The scale isn't that useful because most of the people who score low (think Sarah Palin or Paris Hilton) don't give a crap about the scale and aren't going to change their lifestyle to rank higher in eco-piety.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Idle dreamer
paul wheaton wrote:
While it is true that many people don't care about eco-piety, many people do care about things like saving money. And some are open to the idea of improving things for everybody provided it isn't a hassle or it doesn't cost them anything.
I think it would be a worthwhile effort to make a list of all of the reason a person MIGHT move from eco level 0 to eco level 1. I think that even if the few of us reading this thread were to have read such a list, it could make some significant changes.
- Glenn -
Brenda Groth wrote:
loved # 5, would try that with my hubby if he didn't have a mental disability from a head injury..(i could borrow his books)
Ludi wrote:
It seems kind of exclusive or elitist.
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paul wheaton wrote:
It is nothing more than a tool to try to better understand some issues.
Idle dreamer
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
zanna wrote:
I don't have the facts and numbers and I realize it can be a touchy subject, but a person who choses to have one or even no children, limits his or her ecological footprint in a rather significant way - it is not my scale - but in my opinion this should be a significant factor, if not the most significant factor, in an eco scale.
paul wheaton wrote:
I gathered some video footage a while back thinking I might make a video of what are great eco achievements. I asked "what is the most eco thing you can imagine somebody doing". It started with not having children, then it moved into suicide stuff.
While I agree that not having children is one of the most significant, and the suicide stuff certainly makes a point, I think a person could do far more for making things better than if they didn't exist. But that might not come until level 6 or so.
find religion! church
kiva! hyvä! iloinen! pikkumaatila
get stung! beehives
be hospitable! host-a-hive
be antisocial! facespace
zanna wrote: Having one child who then has one child who then has one child etc. . replaces your own footprint - more or less.
Idle dreamer
zanna wrote:
As ways of reducing the stress on our planet, I don't consider murder/suicide as being in the same league as responsible propagation. Those topics, detestable to most, detract from the very legitimate question of whether it is ecologically responsible to have multiple offspring. Having one child who then has one child who then has one child etc. . replaces your own footprint - more or less. Having two children who then each have two children who have two children etc exponential increases your footprint - by the third generation there are 8 individuals for your one footprint. Huge ecological difference from just one additional child.
If someone were to consider that their eight great grandchildren all together had to split the same sized "pie" as that person survives on now, I'm sure he or she would not want that.
Earth is finite. As the population continues to expand, the pieces of pie get smaller and conflict increases.
find religion! church
kiva! hyvä! iloinen! pikkumaatila
get stung! beehives
be hospitable! host-a-hive
be antisocial! facespace
Idle dreamer
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
I'm Kane, I run a site called Insteading that focuses on tons of environmental topics, and blog about my own homestead at Seattle Homestead.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
Excellent point Kane!
Not only is moving a person from level 0 to level 1 making a large positive impact, but there are more people at level 0 than all of the other levels combined!
I'm Kane, I run a site called Insteading that focuses on tons of environmental topics, and blog about my own homestead at Seattle Homestead.
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