R Ranson wrote:
Rachel Hart wrote:Hi R,
You might just have to bite the bullet and see an MD.
My Mom had pheumonia and they had her breath in, this disgusting smelling thing to combat full blown pneumonia.
You have got a lot of suggestions to use in the future, to protect yourself from getting sick but please consider, seeing an MD
and get yourself taken care of.
Then use the above suggestions to stay healthy etc.
Wishing you the best,
Thank you Rachel
Always good advise to see a doctor for any health concerns.
I am working with my family doctor to get better, including a rather strong antibiotic treatment. I'm also a firm believer in the power of food to heal.
I figure the best way to get better is to use all the tools available to me: food and modern medicine.
It's been very helpful and I've learned a lot about the natural side of healing pneumonia from the suggestions on this thread. Thank you all for joining the conversation.
Hi R,
Glad you are seeing an MD also.
I cooked for a woman who had cancer and she couldn't keep her food down.
Within 3 days of eating the food, I prepared for her, she stopped throwing up.
Cancer is very different from pneumonia but eating soups, when your digestion is off, is very helpful.
Here is a simple miso soup, you might want to try.
I use 3 year old Barley Miso from South River but even a mellow miso, would be beneficial.
(Note: everything is organic)
2 cups of purified water
1/2 onion, chopped or diced
about 1/2 cup of broccoli florets
shiitake mushrooms: 1 or 2, if dried, just throw in and let them softened, after 5 minutes or when they are soften, take out: remove the stem and chop the rest up and throw back in the pot
If you have some other veggies in the refrig, add 1/2 cup of chopped veggies
If you have some cooked short grain rice or cook some rice pasta up and add to the soup.
Usually, as I prepare the veggies, I just toss them in the pot and in about 5 to 10 minutes after it comes to a boil, it is done. Just about the time, the rice pasta is finished.
Now, is the time to add the miso. Just take some of the liquid from the pot and take about 1/2 to a level TBSN of miso and dissolve it, in the warm soupy liquid and then after 1-3 minutes, add it to the soup.
If you want some fat? You can add some tahini to the miso, and then add it to the soup.
The tahini, will be a little harder to digest, so it is your call, if you feel you want it.
If this is too much or hard on your digestion, here is another soup to try:
Steam some green veggies: Zucchini, Broccoli, celery, whatever green veggies you have. Steam these for about 5 minutes.
If you have some leafy veggies: add them the last minute, to the steaming veggies.
Now blend the veggies, with some of the broth at the bottom of the steaming pot.
Add some seasoning: miso or organic soy sauce to taste.
You will have a thick green mush which will be easy to digest. If you want it to be a bit more substantial, add some cooked rice to the blender.
You might want to squeeze half of lemon, to this mush, for added taste.
You can also, make some simple veggie broth, which will help you take in the nutrition and build your digestion:
Sweet Veggie Drink:
1/4 cup each of: onions, carrots, cabbage, butternut squash (chopped)
5 cups of purified water
bring to boil, then reduce flame to simmer for 20 minutes.
Strain and save the veggies, to add to a soup
and drink 1/2 cup of this, twice a day, (in between meals) until you start to feel better.
Here is another great soup, that is easy on the digestion:
Millet with sweet veggies:
1 cup of millet (that has been rinsed twice at least) and has soaked over night or for 8 hours.
4 cups of purified water
1 cup of butternut squash, diced
3/4 cup of cabbage, thinly sliced and chopped
3/4 cup of onions, chopped
pinch of salt or just add miso, to your bowl, a minute or two before you eat it. Dissolve the miso, in the liquid of the soup and then add to your bowl.
It is easy on the digestion and good for you.
Just a note: the lungs deal with the emotion: grief.
You might want to look into getting an Emotional
Freedom Technique book from Amazon.
They refer to it as EFT.
You are basically, tapping merdian points in a certain sequence as you repeat an affirmation.
Watch and listen to your emotions or mental thoughts, that come up, while you are doing EFT.
Up could come: fear, anger, grief etc.
Then do the EFT for the emotion, that surfaced: fear, anger or grief?
Until, you do not have any emotional trigger with that affirmation.
It took me a week, to learn the EFT tapping sequence, to the point, I was able to concentrate on listen to the emotions that came up.
I have used EFT to help heal me of a basal cell carcinoma (took 2.5 days of doing EFT like a bunny raddit, which lead me down the rabbit hole. It can be emotionally draining, doing EFT etc. but I finally got to the emotional situation, which brought on the cancer and when I no longer had an emotional response or the thought came, it was just part of my past and it was just a memory, that no longer triggered an emotional response, then all the basal cell's just died, in about 30 days) and other physical aliments, like dealing with the loss of my Mom passing away.
The idea is: some emotional event happens and our immune system is weakened and then the health problem starts to manifest. The emotional trauma, stays in our body as a memory, which acts like a hiccup, in the natural meridian flow of our energy. As you tap the meridian points, you are stimulating that meridian, that relates to an organ in the body and the emotional memory, can surface during EFT and you can reprogram it out of your body. This is a very quick way of emotionally healing yourself within minutes to days. I saw a man, get rid of his fear of water, within 25 minutes. You can use EFT for about anything.
One more thing, make sure you are taking some acidophilus, to replenish your natural flora in your gut.
When you get better, make sure you add to your diet, some homemade fermented foods, like sauerkraut (raw) etc.
You just need about 1-2 TBSN of Fermented foods a day, to keep your intestinal track healthy.
Wishing you the best,