Satamax Antone wrote:Rick, remove the last block or at least half of a full block in the elbows.
The reason for this is to off-set the friction of the walls in the turn. I'm sure there are HVAC info sheets available that discuss these concerns, although I've not tried to locate any. One name for the concept is plenum, if I spelt that correctly. It just identifies a large area of open space into which the air may easily flow and then become redirected in another direction.
The rule of thumb that is in my mind -although I do not know why, so I cannot provide a citation- is that the 180-degree turn ought to be a minimum of twice as long as the passage is wide. I'm assuming that assumes a round or square passage cross-section, but that is exactly that, an assumption.
So if your passage was 8 x 8, make the turn at least 16 x 16.
Other thoughts...
You could use wet clay to "mortar" the joints in the bricks. It is not really mortar, just clay, and would come part much easier, and still provide an air seal as well as transference of heat much better, and thus
should perform better as a thermal mass.
At a minimum, it would be wise to do this in the passage, because a seal against escaping gas is wise. So at least trowel on a clay mix onto the walls of the tunnels. If smoothed, this will also help reduce the air friction somewhat.
Concrete board over the top / the "roof" of the passages....
I've heard that is pretty brittle stuff. Will it support the weight above it, or will it be more likely to crack, and collapse into the passage?
Once common option is to use pavers, foot square, 16x16, etc. Just lay them across the top of the passages, and that makes the roof. Seal it of
course, so the gases don't leak into the room.
I don't personally expect the heat will be too severe for brick or cinder block in the bench, but one could always line the first five feet or so with fire brick. That would take care of that concern. There are examples I've seen scanning various building codes that talk about how far into air passages that must be lined with fire brick. Five feet is what comes to mind, so that's why I used it as an example. But that too is a guess, just going by what I remember, as opposed to having the citation at hand.
For those concerned with practical matters and not code, just measure the temperature inside the passages. Then look up suggested temperature ranges of the masonry materials you are using, and it should be pretty obvious what is safe (of course, this requires building a test bench, into which you can insert temperature probes).
An easier means, may just be to measure the temp at the clean outs. I'd start with the one at the bottom of the barrel, in the manifold. That ought to be the hottest part of the bench, in terms of air temperature moving through the passages. It is only going to get cooler as it moves farther along, as it gives up its heat to the surrounding masonry.
300 degrees F is the highest normal temp I've heard for the bottom of the barrel. I suspect one could use that safely. My last burn I measured something like 550 degrees F on the outside face of a split fire brick which made up the burn chamber side. So I cannot imagine the manifold would ever get that hot. So if one took the engineering safety factor of times two, use the temp of 600 degrees F at the manifold and only use materials able to take that. I suspect we are now talking fire brick or refractory material.
Obviously, if one can afford to, one could like the entire passage with fire brick. But that is a lot of overkill.
Personally, if I were concerned about it, I'd measure the temps at the various clean outs and the exhaust to the outdoors. Then you'll have several air temperature measures, at least three I'd expect (manifold, u-turn clean out, and exhaust to outdoors). That will help you estimate the temperature drop through your passages. Then you can start with whatever highest temp you are comfortable using, and calculate the same rate of change, and use that to specify the proper lining material along your passages.
I suspect that is a lot more work than safety requires, but if I wanted to know, that's what comes to mind to easily find out.
If you're more technically inclined, thermocouples are cheap, especially at the lower temperature ranges. Like $3 to $5 each (USD). Digital readers can be obtained for as little as $20 USD. Firgure out how much money it is worth to you to really know the temps in the passages and then spread out that many thermocouples, leaving the plug-in ends with free access to the outside of the bench, and then take measurements during your burns. Within the accuracy of your devices, you'll have your answers.
If anyone has already done this, it
be nice to see your measurements!