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Introductions First Then Advice Needed

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I'm new to this forum & will be new to a lifestyle I have dreamed of for many years. Most people know me as Trout, I'm 63 and will be retiring soon. My wife (Otter) & I are in the process of closing our business (Otter & Trout Trading ~ OtterTrout.com) in Florida and we are presently looking at Ozark properties to retire to.

Otter is a great herbalist and that has been our business for the past 18 years & I'm a general "can do, get 'er done" type. I'm pretty much self-taught in all things and have been a general mechanic, welder, MacGyver & the last few years the IT / computer geek.

What we don't know is how to grow stuff!!! Now isn't that sad?

I've been studying on food forests & perma-culture for a few years & many of the people who come to our store are really knowledgeable. I have gathered some good info there but there is nothing like "hands on" learning to really know what it takes. Most everything I know comes from just doing it and learning from many mistakes but now as I get older I hope that I may be able to shorten the learning curve by asking for help from those who have experience. I have always had a hard time asking for help so even this will be a new learning for me.

The property I'm most interested in is almost 30 acres in North Central Arkansas (above Yellville) the young man who owns it has done quite a lot of work and is totally off grid. The house is new and well insulated with solar, a spring with good pressure and a year round creek. Raised bed gardens are in and growing. I can afford the property and I have lived rural many times in my life (the most content I have ever been was living rural) but I have always held a job or run a business in the city. So when it comes to growing and preserving food I am totally clueless.

The reason for the post (took me awhile to get here, hey?) is I'm wondering if there are people out there that may be able to come out to the property and help us get started. I'm not looking to start an IC or Village so it would be a temporary arrangement (year or so?) It would probably be spring of 2016 before we would be settled enough to be able to devote the time needed. I don't have much to offer in trade except 50 years of various business & life experience's however Otter has a lifetime of herbal knowledge that could be shared.

If I am "out of line" with even asking or suggesting this that I beg you to forgive me.

Looking forward to replies & suggestions,

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Welcome to permies Eric! We're very happy to have you with us!

Since you're looking for people to help and your site is developed yet, I would suggest looking for a permaculture designer who is interested in setting up a permablitz at your location. This gives you an opportunity to meet with a designer, get some things done on your land, and the designer and his/her students or helpers get a chance to gain real-world experience on your site. For more information, they have organizer guides for creating permabltzes.

SharedEarth is a another good option. It is not just for permaculturey people, and it works by matching up people with land to people who want to garden. Be sure to read their instructions and follow their rules.

Regarding finding permaculture people, it may be worth your time to visit the Permaculture Global Network and ask around if anyone would be interested in helping you.

On both permies and elsewhere, please be sure to make you intentions as clear as possible and be clear about what you are asking for.

As your site is more developed and you two gain more experience, it may be worth considering joining the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms network. Since you are considering maybe creating an IC or Village, it may be worth posting your project on Ecovillage Network after you find some people to start working with and gain more knowledge on the subject.

You might also want to check and see if the Ozark Permaculture Guild is still active.
Eric Rummler
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Hey Dave!
Thanks for the info I was not aware of any of those organizations. The permablitz sounds like it may be what I am looking for so I'll contact them and see if they have anything going on in Arkansas.

Really appreciate the input,
Dave Burton
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This is the official list of known permablitz networks. The permablitz site is based in Melbourne, Australia.

Another group is on Facebook, called Pope County Permaculture. There is also another permaculture project on-going in the ozarks called the Valhalla Project.

For more results, i advise searching "Arkansas permaculture" on Google.

**And since I didn't mention this before, I'm going to get it out of the way earlier. Since it is going to be "your two's site," I advise checking out the Guide To Getting Help on Projects at Permies thread because in it, I have listed out many resources for learning permaculture and creating your own design and clarified how people on permies can help us help you.
Eric Rummler
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Dave, Thanks again there is a load of info on your "guide to getting help" link.

It will take some time to go thru all of that and absorb the info. As I said before I learn best from hands on with lot's of trial & error so the videos you list will be especially helpful.

This whole forum has lot's of good info and is a blessing to someone like me. So thanks to everyone for making it happen.

Cheers! Trout
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hau, Eric,

Wolf and I are building our retirement homestead farm now.

Send me a purple moosage when you get there.
We can talk about ideas and how to grow all your own food, could be by that time that we would be able to come up for a visit too.
Eric Rummler
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HO Red Hawk!

Looks like you are due south of were we are looking. I'm hoping to get out there in late June / early July to see it and other properties.

If all goes well we may be moving in right at the start of cold weather. I always figure if you can survive the hard part in the beginning the rest comes easy.

Food Forests are really where I want to focus the most energy it is something that struck a chord with me the first time I learned about it.

The land I'm most interested in already has nut trees growing wild and many medicinal herbs. The area behind the house is southern facing hills that I feel will be good for a food forest.

I'll moosage you as soon as I know some thing definite.

I like your tag line about visitors!
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I am in that area pretty much. Private message me if you are still looking.
I have grown stuff since I was 12. And I do have knowledge of many useful things too.
Take care and I hope to hear you got the property. The land is a good location.
Eric Rummler
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Thanks Lynne I sent you a message.
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