I've been full of
energy the last couple days
enough to try and keep up with Orin. As the rest of the crew is emerging from their delirium we have been sitting around the kitchen table and talking through some design problems. Today we focused on directing the driveway run off(
water), finishing the
pond, placement of the house-hold grey-water processing
greenhouse, and potentially building a one-cell
berm shed. I will be working to incorporate these into the next base map.
For now, here are some fun doodles I made showing ideas for
Hugelkultur around the Abbey as well as one of paddock layout.
We are definitely planning to run at least
chickens through this plot, but it will probably only be between 12 and 25 so a rather small mobile coop will suffice. We have an emergency backup plan to dramatically cut the fencing, but are nonetheless 100% motivated to finish all the
fence by mid mid May this year.
There is currently only 18 inches of soil on most of the roof, but we are planning on deep mulching and growing lots of veg up there. Paul thinks that we will get MAJOR season extension up there due to heat from below.
That is an awesome idea, I'm putting that one in my brain bank. We haven't talked about it in relation to Allerton Abbey yet, probably because we are all sick of new building projects right now. There are some concerns about humidity, but personally I'm all for the attached