I am not following you on this I guess, and don't take this as a negative reply as much as questions because I am not sure I understand what you are proposing. I am guessing from the lack of responses, neither are other people, so I will go out on a limb and ask (and potentially look dumb).
Now I did some research on glycerin and it seems it is very similar to glycerol which is used in modern heating systems, however I refuse to use it in my own home because it actually makes any heating system that uses it 10% less efficient. That is a huge factor right there, but honestly its only use is to keep systems from freezing up and there are cheaper alternatives to doing that. Glycerol is very expensive, and a back up generator is a whole lot cheaper then the amount of glycerol that it would take to adequately protect my pipes from freezing. Be that as it may though, I cannot figure out how you deduced it could be more efficient when heating systems that uses its sister-compound says its less efficient?
Another question I have is why use PVC pipe when that product s very brittle and breaks upon freezing? Wouldn't you prefer to use PEX tubing that can expand 300% times its own diameter before bursting? I am not sure of what the expansion rate of glycerin is, but water expands by 15% so it will not burst Pex which is why it is used in hydronic heating situations.
Now if there was an alternative to get that glycerin to freeze that was inexpensive, then it may be worth doing. Here in Maine our constant ground temperature below frost line (4 feet) is 57 degrees, so if glycerin does freeze at that temperature it is possible that the cost of running geothermal pumps as a chiller is possibly efficient, and the technology exists in the form of chillers for ice arenas. However that technology removes heat from a surface and does not heat it. It also uses ammonia (old school) or brine because you cannot pump ice. In the case of trying to heat a structure, you would have to try and freeze the glycerin throughout the network of pipes efficiently first. The only way to do that is bring the temperature down over every square inch of the pipe. But therein lies the problem. You could not pump geothermally cooled water first and chill the pipe, then send in the glycerin because the first few feet of pipes would freeze and the rest of your pipes would be filled with air and be empty. Nope, that is no good, and you could not run pipes over each other because it would chill the space while trying to freeze the glycerin. The only way to accomplish a freezing of the glycerin and not chill the space too, would be to run a pipe within a pipe. That would allow the geothermally chilled water to freeze the glycerin without cooling the room directly. But after that, the inner pipe would have to have the temperature raised from 57 degrees to 65 to release thaw the glycerin and release the heat. That would take a heat source other then a conventional boiler because it would short-cycle too much and destroy itself with condensation, but
solar or wind heat would work. And all this being hydronic regulated, existing technology like PLC's, circulators and mixing valves are all available and very inexpensive.
The biggest downside of this would be the lack of volume as you would need more double walled pipe since the volume is reduced by the inner pipe containing the chilled/heated water. But as I think through this, by having a PLC inject geothermally chilled water into the inner tube to freeze the glycerin, then after complete freeze up checked by sensors, it sends in heated water (although be it 65 degree water) to allow the frozen glycerin to release heat into the space...I think in theory it would work. This would be done in quick succession and continue until the space reached desired temperature. However accomplishing all this with a return on investment that is comparable to traditional hydronic heat may be problematic.
I would put the pipes in the flooring though and not the walls so you get more heating surface. It could not be embedded in
concrete however as it would bust up the concrete, but in my home, where I was retrofitting an old concrete floor to radiant heat, I just embedded the pex tubing in a layer of live sand. It even shocked me that the amount of heat transfer was just as high as concrete. In that way the sand would expand and contract along with the constantly freezing/thawing pex tubing.
But all these thoughts are based upon the notion that glycerin freezes/thaws at 64 degrees; I never found anything about 64 degrees, rather I saw -36 degrees being the freeze point. I am not challenging you on this, I just never found it, but obviously you got 64 degrees from somewhere could you say where exactly? I find this intriguing...