Have a blessed day!
- gunslingin goat farm and rabbitry
Tommie Hockett wrote:Has anyone thought avojt using a gofundme page to get enough money to buy land with?
I am aware that most of us here are very proud people. Like I say it has just been running through my brain for a few days now.
Travis Johnson wrote: I think it is a good idea in concept and morality, but I am not so sure that it works well. I have never tried this method, but from the number of replies on here from those who have, its not been all that successful. I think it is because so many people "want a few aces" of their own, so to help fund another person's dream, when their own gets dashed, plays into that. For us that do have land, the requirements of land ownership and the demanding funds to do earthworks projects, sowing crops, and raising livestock are so high in comparison to the profit made (if any), there is little left for land generosity.
Not that I do not give to charity, I do, but the ones that are so dear to my heart (Teen Challenge for instance) has so many needs of their own that even as much as I give, I wish I could give more.
But there is another aspect that is often overlooked and that is the equity invested in a property. My father and Uncle are great examples of this. They were given the land my Grandfather owned free and clear as an inheritance, BUT they never appreciated what they got. Parts of it they sold off to the highest bidder, built houses and sold them, and never farmed. In contrast I BOUGHT the farm off them, and I am glad I did. I have a lot of equity and investment in it, and I respect it more because of it. I think the more a person struggles to get what they really want, the more it is appreciated.
Have a blessed day!
- gunslingin goat farm and rabbitry
Constantia et dillengentia
Tommie Hockett wrote:Has anyone thought avojt using a gofundme page to get enough money to buy land with?
Tommie Hockett wrote:It is one of my biggest dreams to own land that I can turn into a homestead. Sometimes it seems like that is very far away though.
"Our ability to change the face of the earth increases at a faster rate than our ability to foresee the consequences of that change"
- L.Charles Birch
My Herbal Tea Store (CA)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Have a blessed day!
- gunslingin goat farm and rabbitry
Tommie Hockett wrote:Anyway I feel that I should clarify a common misconception. Most people think that if you work oilfield you are eithe A.) Trash or B.) Rich. While it is true that if you work the rigs you make good money I don't work on them. I am basically a janitor of the oilfield. We are the bottom rung. Which doesn't bother me I am proud of what I do. However we have wierd hours we work 14 days on amd 7 off. When we are out our hours aren't gauranteed, we may get 30 hours a week or 80 hours a week.
Tommie Hockett wrote: But onward to other subjects land in my area ranges from 7 to 10 grand an acre because we are... qouting a realtor here "smack in the middle of horse country" . So that acre that I was telling yall about... turns out the listing was posted wrong on the internet. It said for sale but it was only for lease.
"Our ability to change the face of the earth increases at a faster rate than our ability to foresee the consequences of that change"
- L.Charles Birch
My Herbal Tea Store (CA)
Have a blessed day!
- gunslingin goat farm and rabbitry
Listen. That's my theme music. That's how I know I'm a super hero. That, and this tiny ad told me:
Willow Feeder movie