Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.
C. Letellier wrote:I have a whole host of comments.
Someone check me if I have this wrong because I have not sourced this from enough places. First I find it incredible that NO one in this thread so far has said anything about the second biggest user of water in CA. There are arguments as to the amount but no one is mentioning the water used in the environmental projects in CA. The salmon reintroduction and the delta smelt and another small fish necessary to the salmon reintroduction have been the primary users of water in this project. From some numbers roughly 40% of the water used in CA has gone into these environmental projects. 2 years worth of stored ag water has been basically wasted on these projects. Worse yet it continues to be wasted for very little benefit. After that water is removed from the total available water is when they calculate the rest of the water use in CA. So when figures say 80% of the water in CA is used in ag that completely ignores the 40% of the water that isn't even counted in the total. The real drought would be just starting this year and the aquifers would not have 2 hard years of pumping depletion on them without this.
Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.
leila hamaya wrote:
C. Letellier wrote:I have a whole host of comments.
Someone check me if I have this wrong because I have not sourced this from enough places. First I find it incredible that NO one in this thread so far has said anything about the second biggest user of water in CA. There are arguments as to the amount but no one is mentioning the water used in the environmental projects in CA. The salmon reintroduction and the delta smelt and another small fish necessary to the salmon reintroduction have been the primary users of water in this project. From some numbers roughly 40% of the water used in CA has gone into these environmental projects. 2 years worth of stored ag water has been basically wasted on these projects. Worse yet it continues to be wasted for very little benefit. After that water is removed from the total available water is when they calculate the rest of the water use in CA. So when figures say 80% of the water in CA is used in ag that completely ignores the 40% of the water that isn't even counted in the total. The real drought would be just starting this year and the aquifers would not have 2 hard years of pumping depletion on them without this.
i have a hard time wrapping my head around what you are saying here.
originally, and for thousands/millions of years, 100% of the water was being used for "environmental projects" in cal. it is not that this water is "removed" fact that is exactly it. it is NOT removed, from the system of watersheds and rivers where valuable, to the greater environment and to humans, species of fish and the rest of the river ecosystems can use it, as OPPOSED to being diverted to farming and agriculture/suburbia down south.
or this is my take on it anyway, mostly this is what happens in northern california, where there is abundant water. i do not agree that this is in any way "wasted". yes there is still a lot of problems with salmon numbers and other species not being abundant as they once were, but that IMO has more to do with human interference and taking more water/ system of dams/ diverting too much water southward....not because the environmentalists arent trying their best to try to protect the watersheds.
but i can at least say that this is kinda a common enough perception, among some, against the "environmentalists"...being the source of this problem ...i definitely disagree....
Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
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C. Letellier wrote:
Okay maybe wasted it to harsh a term. Foolishly used would be a better term. If the drought continues they will lose all gains made from this because they won't have the water to preserve the gains made. Wouldn't it be far better to wait to work for those gains till the water was available? As for location is Sacramento north or south CA? Much of the work on delta smelt habitats and at least some of the salmon reintroduction is taking place there and my understanding was that for water availability it is considered part of southern CA. Maybe I am wrong?
Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.
leila hamaya wrote:
where i found this chart that i think shows something significant. nor cal is where most the "environmental" uses occur, and southern california uses far more water than it has naturally available. so if you excluded nor cal from this figuring, the total "environmental" use would be much lower statewide.
Country oriented nerd with primary interests in alternate energy in particular solar. Dabble in gardening, trees, cob, soil building and a host of others.
I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it.
So a number of the conservationists were saying: please, use the same water as those around you until we can get the laws changed to prevent this, but just put it back into the ground. At least we can keep some of it recycling back into the ground water that way.
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