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raven ranson wrote:I haven't actually looked at the post in question. However, from what you're saying here, I suspect these threads might help.
at permies we aim to be welcoming to people of all dietary and lifestyles. Sometimes discussing veganism can lead to people saying "you must..." or "all people should..." or other kinds of phrases that shame others for not conforming to the posters point of view. The old Vegan vs. Omni debate is not a meal we are interested in rehashing here.
Perhaps that's what has happened with your post. Maybe there is something in it that is shoulding on non-vegans?
About 90% of the time if something doesn't meet publishing standards, it simply vanishes. There must be something really great about your post to have it put on probation. If it remains on probation, then it's either a moderator hasn't had a chance to look at it or it's not quite there yet but showing definite signs of improvement.
Another thing that can lead to the edit not being approved is if you mention moderation decision in your post. Discussion about moderation is restricted to the tinkering forum.
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Joseph Lofthouse wrote:I found the thread and read both the original, and the edits...
The original post reminded me of the literature that I used to hand out to people when I was a missionary. Types of statements that don't meet publishing standards would include things like, eating meat is "ruining the world", or veganism "is for everyone".
The original post had a lot of "truthiness" to it. Making statements that may or may not be true about bees, animal agriculture, wildlife, etc. The moderators have learned through long experience, that it is best to not publish those types of statements, because they just lead to quarrels and flame wars.
So, the bottom line, is that you are welcome to advocate for veganism, as long as you are not writing angry things about the evil meat-eaters who are destroying the world. Share your own beliefs, and your own experiences without belittling meat eaters, or their methods, and you'll do fine.
This is a forum devoted to building better alternative ways of living, not to tearing down the old ways. Show us by your example that your way of life is superior. Post photos of vegan meals that make our mouths water, and entice us to eat the same way. I have had a lot of fun with the thread: If a vegan friend visited you today, what could you make for them?
Burra Maluca wrote:Discussion of moderatin in response to a post being put on probation would likely trigger total removal of the post. Not many of the staff would want to waste more time on that situation.
I suspect what you need to remember is that this is a permaculture site, where we discuss ways to make the world a better place using permaculture. Spouting standard anti-meat stuff using vegan vs standard agriculture arguments is simply irrelevant as the whole board is already moving away from that system. It stinks of the propaganda we've been exposed to many, many times before and we're not interested in hosting that type of discussion. If you're here simply to attempt to convert people to your belief system rather than trying to inspire them or help them along a path they are already interested in, then this is not the place for you. Your call.
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