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My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Nancy Reading wrote:Hello Lynn and thank you for doing this giveaway with us. I'm really interested in growing organically and am keen to know how your book will help more people understand how easy it can be.
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Leanne Opaskar wrote:Hi, Lynn, and welcome from Colorado! I’m a recent transplant to the state, and it sounds like I definitely should be checking your book out.
No greenhouse here, alas, though I too am ready to get growing! I live in the ‘burbs and the HOA is unlikely to let me have one — though I may try anyway when I have more stuff straightened out around here. This year is new raised beds and more deer protection.
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Matthew J. Wagner
Saegertown, PA, USA
“They will build houses and live in them, And they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build for someone else to inhabit, Nor will they plant for others to eat. For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, And the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.” - Isaiah 65:21, 22
Lynn Gillespie wrote:Raised beds are the best way to garden. We have 11,000 sq. ft of outdoor beds and 9000 sq. ft of indoor garden beds, all raised beds, we love them. I am not willing to struggle with in the ground beds any more, I am spoiled.
Beau Davidson wrote:
Lynn Gillespie wrote:Raised beds are the best way to garden. We have 11,000 sq. ft of outdoor beds and 9000 sq. ft of indoor garden beds, all raised beds, we love them. I am not willing to struggle with in the ground beds any more, I am spoiled.
That's a lot of square feet in raised beds, Lynn! What kind of beds do you use? Meaning manner of construction, infill, etc.
ps - we are so glad you're here!
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Matthew Wagner wrote:Welcome Lynn! I look forward to learning from you!
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
Don't knock on Death's door. Ring the bell and run away! He REALLY hates that!
Be Strong, Be Free
Real funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes!
Matthew Wagner wrote:Welcome Lynn! I look forward to learning from you!
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Hi Dennis! With the right education your garden can not only feed you but be fun. In our High Performance Garden Show, we just a pint jar to hold all the weeds that we pick from our 128 sq. ft garden. This garden produces around 800 pounds of food each season worth about $2500 or more. It is productive easy and fun! To watch the show go here https://permies.com/wiki/211357/Lynn-Gillespie-High-Performance-Garden or go to the website https://thelivingfarm.org/high-performance-garden-show/Dennis Barrow wrote:Welcome Lynn!
Just read the review of your book.
I thought my garden did really well last year, but now am thinking not so!
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Hi Monica! Where do you live? WHat is your zone?Monica Truong wrote:Welcome, Lynn! I look forward to reading your book. Lucky you to be already getting ready to start the gardening season. It is still 2 months away for me.
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Dennis Barrow wrote:Welcome Lynn!
Just read the review of your book.
I thought my garden did really well last year, but now am thinking not so!
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Eleana Tomlinson wrote:Welcome Lynn! I am watching your series now, but had to visit your farm website when you mentioned moving to the western slope. My mom lived in Delta and Paonia, and have a cousin in Hotchkiss. Would love to visit your farm the next time I am on your side of the mountains.
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
HI Tom! Thank you! I love sharing gardening with anyone who will listen!tom olofsson wrote:Lynn, congrats on finishing your book.
tom o.
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
Jules Silverlock wrote:Welcome Lynn! It's the perfect time to start thinking about planning the garden for the upcoming season - even for me in Australia, as we're just coming out of summer (which tends to be my most difficult season - almost like winter in the northern hemisphere!) so I look forward to the other 3 seasons of the year
It would be fun to know what your favorite vegetable is to grow? I was admiring curly kale today as it's so hardy, nutritious and just seems to go on and on giving!
Lynn Gillespie The Living Farm
New rule: no elephants at the chess tournament. Tiny ads are still okay.
Binge on 17 Seasons of Permaculture Design Monkeys!