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I wiped out and refilled nest boxes. This was latter in the day so eggs had already been collected. Eggs where decent condition. The water bowl was dumped and washed. They free range and prefer the cow waterer, this is mostly the ducks splash pool. Their bowl was dusty   so I rinsed it and filled it with scrap. The feed the get is just get-in-the-pen feed at night. The netting had stretched and got gaps in it so laced that tighter and put the pole back up. That gives the turkeys more head room to fly up. Poop was sraped off the roost and shoveled under it. I also picked up the trash that somhow always flies in there.
Coop before.
Coop before.
Dirty big nest.
Dirty big nest.
Dirty little nest.
Dirty little nest.
Fresh bedding added.
Fresh bedding added.
[Thumbnail for 20230507_152010.jpg]
Dirty water. The joys of ducks.
Dirty water. The joys of ducks.
Water emptied, rinsed and filled.
Water emptied, rinsed and filled.
Food bowl before.
Food bowl before.
Bowl rinsed and filled.
Bowl rinsed and filled.
Sagging netting.
Sagging netting.
Dirty roost.
Dirty roost.
Roost cleaned and netting secure.
Roost cleaned and netting secure.
Coop after.
Coop after.
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Here is a description of what and how I do my daily check for my chickenses.

- Water: Experience thaught me to place the waterbucket a bit higher off the ground, so that the chickens don't poop in the bucket. Sometimes, mulch still gets in, though. In this case, I could simply remove the pieces of grass. If the mess is too big for a quick fix, the water goes to a fruit tree close by and I refill the bucket.

- Food: I choose to not use a chicken feeder. Instead, I check the terracotta bowls daily and clean them when dirty.

- Nest: I daily check for eggs. The 2 chickens use the same nest. This time, I noticed that it needed a little more material, so I added some more bedding. There were no eggs when I photo documented this daily check, so the egg check had to wait for another day The next day, I found 2 beautiful eggs, perfectly shaped, with the strongest eggshells I have ever seen! I thank them every time: "Thank you, chickenses!"

- Roosting area: Chickens poop so much in the night! The way I put the bedding, I can take out the part that has the poop on it, without having to replace everything. This time, I could do it like that: take the poopypart out, and add new bedding under the perch. From time to time I do take everything out and give them new grasses.

- General check for safety:
  • cover
  • Part of the coop is covered with branches and palm tree leaves because we ran out of chicken wire during the build. I check that part of the roof regularly. It's holding out quite well
  • walls
  • I often check for signs of anyone having been digging (too much), both on the inside and outside. To make the chicken area more fox proof, the outside of the walls has branches (half) buried in dirt. So far, no digging sings found.
    Concerning sharp things, I went around and found 3 protruding screws, some metal wire hanging around and some chicken wire with the pins pointing toward the inner side of the coop. It surprised me that I had not noticed all this earlier, so this BB has made me up my game a bit. Good! I screwed a piece of olive branch on each screw, removed the hanging wire and pushed the chicken wire pins towards the outside.
  • rain
  • Usually when it rains, it's a true event. Before the rain starts falling, I check the roof of the nesting and roosting area to make sure all is in its place to keep the water out. After the rain, I check again to discover water entrances, if any. Regarding the outside area: there is a canal to make the water flow out of the coop. The canal is covered with big stones to keep foxes out, so I have to check that the water can still flow through the canal under the stones. When the rain event is forecasted to last several days, I put 1 food bowl inside the roosting area (away from the poopy place) so there is at least some dry emergency food available.
  • wind
  • We get a lot of wind, half of the wind events are true events. Before the wind starts blasting, I check if everything is standing strong, no loose objects around that can hurt the chickens or destroy the coop.
  • heatwaves
  • Whenever the temperature hits 35 degrees Celcius, I provide my dinosaurs with a pool big enough for the 3 of them. In the beginning, I had to guide them a bit, but they soon understood the wet feet deal, and they hung out at the pool all summer The hotter it is, the more they hang out in the pool, the more I have to change it (once a day during the hottest days).

    - Chickens themselves: While I'm doing all this, my chickens follow me all the time (especially Señor Santos, and the girls follow him of course). I always sit down with them for some quality time: how are the beaks growing? (they were clipped), how is the color of their faces?, do they have clean feet?, who is the boss today?, any bird showing signs of itches?, etc. While documenting this daily check, Santos decided to sing me a song, so loud when just a few feet away!

    Writing this out, it seems like a lot of work, and depending on the weather I do spend quite some time at the chickens's. Usually, it is a 2 minute job. The quality time can last up to an hour though
    I feel like I have gone into too much detail, maybe, but since it is already written, I am uploading this post anyway, with all the details about my daily check for fowl. My apologies!
    This time, I only had to scoop out the bits of grass. The water was still clean, the bucket still full enough.
    This time, I only had to scoop out the bits of grass. The water was still clean, the bucket still full enough.
    Santos helping me find the dirty food bowls.
    Santos helping me find the dirty food bowls.
    Food bowls clean and filled.
    Food bowls clean and filled.
    Santos checking to see how I am doing with my check. The empty nest could use extra bedding, and the poopies gotta go.
    Santos checking to see how I am doing with my check. The empty nest could use extra bedding, and the poopies gotta go.
    Took the poopies out and added new bedding under the perch.
    Took the poopies out and added new bedding under the perch.
    Added some extra material in the nest.
    Added some extra material in the nest.
    The orange circles show where I found problems. The upper right cornes is part of the roof cover that needs regulare checking. The photo in the lower left corner show the antifox branched-and-dirt system.
    The orange circles show where I found problems. The upper right cornes is part of the roof cover that needs regulare checking. The photo in the lower left corner show the antifox branched-and-dirt system.
    The orange circles show where the problems were, and in this picture you can see they are solved!
    The orange circles show where the problems were, and in this picture you can see they are solved!
    Santos showing off his latest big hit.
    Santos showing off his latest big hit.
    The day after I added the extra bedding, I found two beautiful strongshelled eggs. Thank you, chickenses!
    The day after I added the extra bedding, I found two beautiful strongshelled eggs. Thank you, chickenses!
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    Chicken Check:

    Waterer - I filled the bucket with water from the rain barrel and cleaned the spout where they drink. I deep cleaned it recently, so there was no algae in the bucket.

    Feeder - I suspected mold in the bottom, because I had not snapped the lid on tight a few times. I was right - there was lots of moldy food in the bottom. Cleaned it out and added new food.

    Nesting boxes - I gathered 3 eggs that looked good, cleaned out the poop & dirty straw and added clean straw.

    Coop - The roosting ladder was broken with a nail sticking out. Yikes! I got in there and put a new wood piece in the middle of the ladder with a drill. I also scraped clean the wire flooring - there was lots of dried poop.

    before - water getting low
    before - water getting low
    before - water spout dirty
    before - water spout dirty
    after - water full
    after - water full
    after - water clean
    after - water clean
    before - food getting low
    before - food getting low
    before - moldy food
    before - moldy food
    after - clean bucket
    after - clean bucket
    after - food full
    after - food full
    after - food & water is clean and full
    after - food & water is clean and full
    before - nesting box
    before - nesting box
    3 eggs
    3 eggs
    before - dirty nesting box on other side
    before - dirty nesting box on other side
    after - new straw and happy chicken!
    after - new straw and happy chicken!
    after - nesting boxes
    after - nesting boxes
    before - ladder broken
    before - ladder broken
    after - ladder fixed and wire flooring cleaned
    after - ladder fixed and wire flooring cleaned
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    master gardener
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    Approved submission
    To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:

    - Complete and document a routine daily check for your fowl.

    To document the completion of the BB, provide the photos or video (<2 min) of the following:

    - Photos/video of your poultry waterer before and after your check.
    - Photos/video of your poultry feed/feeder before and after your check.
    - Photos/video of your nesting boxes before and after your check.
    - Photos/video of your coop before and after a safety/wellness check was performed/issue was addressed ( please provide a written description of what you checked as well)

    The coop/run were inspected for damage or overlooked penetrations. While doing the inspection, the only deficiency was the missing carabiner to the run door entrance. We had just cleaned out the nesting boxes and the condition of the coop interior was clean. Roosting bars were not loose, automatic chicken door was functioning with good battery health, and there were no damage witnessed inside the coop. Exterior of the coop was in good condition as well.
    Food Before
    Food Before
    Food After
    Food After
    Water Before (Dirty)
    Water Before (Dirty)
    Water After (Clean)
    Water After (Clean)
    Grit before
    Grit before
    Grit After
    Grit After
    Coop Security Check
    Coop Security Check
    Missing carabiner
    Missing carabiner
    Have to remember to put them back on.
    Have to remember to put them back on.
    Dirty Nests
    Dirty Nests
    Cleaned and Shavings Replaced
    Cleaned and Shavings Replaced
    Staff note (gir bot) :

    Joy Hancock approved this submission.
    Note: good job!

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    I performed a wellness check on the chickens before I travel back to my home state later today.

    There were some leaves and green bits in their water. The wind from overnight blew the cover off the food.

    Their eggs have well forned shells and a lovely eggy shape.

    An inspection of the coop area showed some chicken wires protruding up into the convas cover - I witnessed a chicken relaxing on top of it earlier in the week so I pushed all the ends down.

    There was no signs of extra digging around their shelter of fenced in yard (thanks in part to Lavender their great pyrenees)
    water before
    water before
    water after
    water after
    cover was blown off the food
    cover was blown off the food
    all better
    all better
    wire poking up
    wire poking up
    all pushed down again
    all pushed down again
    nesting box looks good
    nesting box looks good
    another clean nesting box
    another clean nesting box
    peek-a-boo with Lane
    peek-a-boo with Lane
    healthy egg!
    healthy egg!
    Lavender the LGD
    Lavender the LGD
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    Like many I have tiny birds I’m caring for. Quail.
    Checked and fixed up the edges of the coop where the hardware cloth meets the wood and also the vanity piece on the door. They won’t get injured by it but I might.

    There were some holes in the side that could have allowed predators so I’m glad to have put some staples in there to button it up.

    Edit to add egg collection
    Water before
    Water before
    Water after
    Water after
    Food before
    Food before
    Food after a shakedown. Can give it another day before I need to refill.
    Food after a shakedown. Can give it another day before I need to refill.
    “Nesting” area before. Quail don’t really nest but I have found they like laying in shelter
    “Nesting” area before. Quail don’t really nest but I have found they like laying in shelter
    Nesting area after
    Nesting area after
    Hole before
    Hole before
    Hole before
    Hole before
    Hole before
    Hole before
    Broken door vanity board before
    Broken door vanity board before
    No more hole after
    No more hole after
    No more hole after
    No more hole after
    Fixed door after
    Fixed door after
    Egg collecting
    Egg collecting
    Eggs all look healthy
    Eggs all look healthy
    Staff note (gir bot) :

    Cheryl Loomans approved this submission.
    Note: Well done!

    master pollinator
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    In addition to the daily water/food and now egg checks I already perform, I walked around today and found no safety concerns in the coop or run.  

    Performed wellness check - the bedding under the roosts needed to be freshened up.

    I save hot water from starting my shower in the mornings and clean out and fill up their watering pan every day.

    I toss the flock a scoop of scratch daily and soak grain in the pan every other day - or sooner if they finish it. They always have access to clean food.
    Water before
    Water before
    Scrubbing waterer with hot water and brush
    Scrubbing waterer with hot water and brush
    Waterer after
    Waterer after
    Feed pans before, with mulch in them
    Feed pans before, with mulch in them
    Clean feed and water pans
    Clean feed and water pans
    Soaked grain and water ready for coop
    Soaked grain and water ready for coop
    Feed pan returned
    Feed pan returned
    Nesting box before
    Nesting box before
    Nesting box after even more straw
    Nesting box after even more straw
    Wellness - under roosts before
    Wellness - under roosts before
    Wellness - under roosts after
    Wellness - under roosts after
    Staff note (gir bot) :

    Cheryl Loomans approved this submission.
    Note: I hearby certify this BB as complete!

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