Here is a description of what and how I do my daily check for my chickenses.
- Water:
Experience thaught me to place the waterbucket a bit higher off the ground, so that the
chickens don't poop in the
bucket. Sometimes, mulch still gets in, though. In this case, I could simply remove the pieces of grass. If the mess is too big for a quick fix, the water goes to a fruit tree close by and I refill the bucket.
- Food: I choose to not use a
chicken feeder. Instead, I check the terracotta bowls daily and clean them when dirty.
- Nest: I daily check for eggs. The 2
chickens use the same nest. This time, I noticed that it needed a little more material, so I added some more bedding. There were no eggs when I photo documented this daily check, so the egg check had to wait for another day

The next day, I found 2 beautiful eggs, perfectly shaped, with the strongest eggshells I have ever seen! I thank them every time: "Thank you, chickenses!"
- Roosting area: Chickens poop so much in the night! The way I put the bedding, I can take out the part that has the poop on it, without having to replace everything. This time, I could do it like that: take the poopypart out, and add new bedding under the perch. From time to time I do take everything out and give them new grasses.
- General check for safety:
cover Part of the coop is covered with branches and palm tree leaves because we ran out of chicken wire during the build. I check that part of the roof regularly. It's holding out quite well
walls I often check for signs of anyone having been digging (too much), both on the inside and outside. To make the chicken area more fox proof, the outside of the walls has branches (half) buried in dirt. So far, no digging sings found.
Concerning sharp things, I went around and found 3 protruding screws, some metal wire hanging around and some chicken wire with the pins pointing toward the inner side of the coop. It surprised me that I had not noticed all this earlier, so this
BB has made me up my game a bit. Good!

I screwed a piece of olive branch on each screw, removed the hanging wire and pushed the chicken wire pins towards the outside.
rain Usually when it rains, it's a true event. Before the rain starts falling, I check the roof of the nesting and roosting area to make sure all is in its place to keep the water out. After the rain, I check again to discover water entrances, if any. Regarding the outside area: there is a canal to make the water flow out of the coop. The canal is covered with big stones to keep foxes out, so I have to check that the water can still flow through the canal under the stones. When the rain event is forecasted to last several days, I put 1 food bowl inside the roosting area (away from the poopy place) so there is at least some dry emergency food available.
wind We get a lot of wind, half of the wind events are true events. Before the wind starts blasting, I check if everything is standing strong, no loose objects around that can hurt the chickens or destroy the coop.
heatwaves Whenever the temperature hits 35 degrees Celcius, I provide my dinosaurs with a pool big
enough for the 3 of them. In the beginning, I had to guide them a bit, but they soon understood the wet feet deal, and they hung out at the pool all summer

The hotter it is, the more they hang out in the pool, the more I have to change it (once a day during the hottest days).
- Chickens themselves: While I'm doing all this, my chickens follow me all the time (especially Señor Santos, and the girls follow him of
course). I always sit down with them for some quality time: how are the beaks growing? (they were clipped), how is the color of their faces?, do they have clean feet?, who is the boss today?, any bird showing signs of itches?, etc. While documenting this daily check, Santos decided to sing me a song, so loud when just a few feet away!
Writing this out, it seems like a lot of work, and depending on the weather I do spend quite some time at the chickens's. Usually, it is a 2 minute job. The quality time can last up to an hour though
I feel like I have gone into too much detail, maybe, but since it is already written, I am uploading this post anyway, with all the details about my daily check for fowl. My apologies!