metwalworking |
BBs submitted for metalworking - wood badge |
J Tube Rocket Mass Heater Engine
BBs submitted for metalworking - sand badge |
Build a kindling cracker
build a rmh scoop
rocket |
BBs submitted for rocket - wood badge |
Operate a RMH for One Month
BBs submitted for rocket - straw badge |
Heat a Space with a RMH for a Week
BBs submitted for rocket - sand badge |
Add Ash to a Garden Area
Start Rocket Hot Water and Get to 140
Annual Cleanout of RMH
Start and Operate Batch Box RMH
Build and Cook with a Dakota Stove
Start a Rocket Oven and Bake Something
PEP BB rocket.sand.jtubewater - Boil Water on a J-Tube
Start up and Cook on Rocket Cooktop
Annual Cleanout of RMH
Start and Operate a J-Tube Rocket Mass Heater - PEP BB rocket.sand.rmhjtube
foraging |
BBs submitted for foraging - straw badge |
20 Pounds of Seed Balls
Save seeds from 6 species of wild plants
Save seeds from 6 species of wild plants
Save seeds from 6 species of wild plants
Save seeds from 6 species of wild plants
Save seeds from 6 species of wild plants
Save seeds from 6 species of wild plants
BBs submitted for foraging - sand badge |
Make 4 lbs of seed balls/bombs
Fresh harvest list
Prepare a dish
Cup of tea
Fresh harvest list
Dry harvest list
Cup of tea
Cup of tea
Prepare a dish
Fresh harvest list
Cup of tea
Cup of tea
Cup of tea
Cup of tea
Cup of tea
Fresh harvest list
Fresh harvest list
catch/prepare a wild squirrel or rabbit
Dry harvest list
Fresh harvest list
Prepare a dish
Dry harvest list
Prepare a dish
Prepare a dish
Prepare a dish
Cup of tea
Prepare a dish
textile |
BBs submitted for textiles - straw badge |
Solf-soled shoes/slippers - PEP BB textile.straw.leather.soft-sole-shoes
BBs submitted for textiles - sand badge |
Sew a patch
Woven basket
Make twine
knit or crochet a hotpad
Quick darning
Sew a small pillow
nest |
BBs submitted for nest - straw badge |
Setup a Cloth Napkin System
Clean Interior of Fridge
Hang a Shelf Level
Install a Clothes Drying System That's Not in the Way When Not in Use - PPE BB nest.straw.drysystem
Hang a Picture or Mirror with Two Fasteners
Find a Wall Stud and Hang a Picture
Setup a Hygenic Off-grid Manual Dishwashing Station - PEP BB nest.straw.offgriddish
Set Up an Outside Classroom
BBs submitted for nest - sand badge |
Sweep a Floor
Oil Wooden Kitchen Utensils
Wash Dishes by Hand
Wash Dishes by Hand
Do Laundry By Hand
Clean a Bathroom
Clean an Oily Dish Without Soap
Grease Hinges
Get Whiter Whites Without Using Chlorine or Bleach
Clean an Area Rug
Deep Clean a Couch or Chair
Clean Four Windows, Inside and Out
Make Rags From Old Clothes
Manually Clean an Oven
Clean a Kitchen
Food |
BBs submitted for Food Prep and Preservation - straw badge |
Restart a Cast Iron Skillet
Water Bath Can 3 Types of Food (1 Gallon Each)
Store Food in a Living State
Make 2 Different Dairy Products
Make 2 Different Dairy Products
Make 2 Different Dairy Products
Ferment Four Different Things (One Gallon)
Ferment Four Different Things (One Gallon)
Make 2 Different Kinds of Condiments or Salad Dressings
Grind 2 Different Grains into Flour
Make 6 Quarts of Stock from Veggie Scraps
Cook and Serve Sunchokes
Pressure Can 2 Types of Food (1 Gallon Each)
Roast Four Pans of Food
Make Four Different Soups (1/2 Gallon)
BBs submitted for Food Prep and Preservation - sand badge |
Fry an egg on a cast iron skillet
Water bath canning
Salt brine ferment/pickle something
Cook a Stir Fry
Cook Grain on a Stove Top
cook soup, stew, pottage, or chowder
Cook Grain with a Rice Cooker, Crock Pot or Instapot
Dehydrate Food in a Solar Dehydrator
Cook Grain with a Solar Oven
Cook Grain with Rocket Stove and a Haybox Cooker
Pickle something in vinegar brine
Bake a pizza
Make two loaves of bread
medicine |
BBs submitted for natural medicine - straw badge |
Help with Vomiting
BBs submitted for natural medicine - sand badge |
Dry enough horsetail for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Make a ginger root tincture
Make a Comfrey Leaf Poultice
Dry burdock root for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Dry alfalfa for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry enough culinary sage leaf for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Dry lemon balm for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry mullein leaf for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry peppermint for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry red clover for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry rose hips/blossoms/petals for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry enough oregano leaf for a tea, infusion, or decoction
PEP BB medicine.sand.drystingingnettle
Make a Plantain Leaf Poultice
Dry enough thyme leaf to make a tea, infusion, or decoction
Dry enough dandelion root for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Dry hops for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Dry chamomile blossom for a tea, infusion or decoction
Dry lavender blossom for a tea, infusion or decoction
Harvest, Dry and Store Rosemary
Make a thyme decoction
Dry enough uva ursi (kinnikinnik) leaf for tea/infusion/decoction
Make thyme infused vinegar
Make a thyme syrup or gummies
Make a thyme decoction
Make an infusion of thyme leaf
Make a ginger root decoction
Make an infusion of ginger root
Make Ginger syrup or gummies
Dry enough tulsi (holy basil) leaf to make a tea/infusion/decoction
Create an infusion of tulsi leaf
Make a burdock root syrup or gummies
Make an aloe leaf poultice
Make a stinging nettle leaf decoction
Make calendula infused oil
Make a thyme tincture
Make a mullein leaf salve
Make a calendula flower salve
Make a Plantain leaf salve
Make a Plantain leaf infused oil
Make a yarrow leaf or blossom salve
Make a mullein leaf infused oil BB
Make a Yarrow leaf or blossom infused oil
Make a burdock root decoction
Make rosehip syrup or gummies
Make Lemon balm infused vinegar
Make a rosemary tincture
Create an infusion of horsetail
Make a stinging nettle leaf tincture
Create an infusion of lemon balm leaf
Make a uva ursi leaf tincture
Make rosemary infused vinegar
Make Culinary sage leaf infused vinegar
Make a Mullein Leaf Poultice
woodland |
BBs submitted for woodland care - straw badge |
Inoculate Logs and Harvest Mushrooms
BBs submitted for woodland care - sand badge |
Prep 10 junkpoles
cleave 6 shakes with a froe
Peel 2 live trees and put up off the ground to dry
felling a dead tree with a chainsaw
Felling a live tree with a chainsaw
Drop 6” to 8” live standing tree with a bow saw
Repair 24 feet of junkpole fence
Drop 6” to 8” dead standing tree with a bow saw
Limb 4 trees
split and stack dead standing wood as firewood
community |
BBs submitted for community living - straw badge |
Create and Lead a Work Party
give a presentation
set up a workshop
Teach a Six Hour Workshop
Setup a Cider Pressing Party
BBs submitted for community living - sand badge |
Brand a location
prepare & clean up a basic meal for 8 people
Give a presentation
tool |
BBs submitted for tool care - straw badge |
Sharpen three knives
Make a Video of Sharpening a Chainsaw
sharpen a drill bit
Make Another Handle for a Tool in the (Wedge List)
sharpen a chisel
Sharpen a Bow Saw
Sharpen a Draw Knife
Demonstrate Use of Category 1 and 2 Sleeves
Clean, Grease, and Oil a Tool
Make a Handle For a Tool
sharpen teeth on a sawmill
Remove Rust, Clean, and Oil a Hand Tool
Sharpen Loppers
BBs submitted for tool care - sand badge |
Sharpen a Hatchet
Repair Flat on Front Wheel of Bicycle
Repair a Flat on the Rear Tire of a Bicycle
Adjust Brakes on a Bicycle
Make a handle
Clean and Oil a Bicycle Chain
Clean the shop for at least an hour
Sharpen a chainsaw chain
Sharpen a knife
Sharpen, clean and oil a shovel
homesteading |
BBs submitted for homesteading - straw badge |
Homesteading Badge Oddball thread
BBs submitted for homesteading - sand badge |
Fill a Sand Barrel in the Summer
Build a Rock Jack
Create or Restock a First Aid Kit
PEP BB homesteading.sand.little.safety - Supply Work-site with Safety Gear
Drive a Truck and Trailer in Reverse
Clear Snow with Tractor Back Blade
Sand an Icy Driveway and Paths
Properly Install Proper Fire Tools at a Fire Contraption
earthworks |
BBs submitted for earthworks - sand badge |
small dry stack retaining wall
sealed pond test
Fix Road Pothole/Puddle
5 scoops Using Tractor Loader
Three Scoops with an Excavator
improve a berm
build a trail into a berm
200ft of Trail Maintenance
dimensional |
BBs submitted for dimensional lumber woodworking - sand badge |
Make a sign
Sturdy firewood rack
Simple beginner bird house
commerce |
BBs submitted for commerce - sand badge |
Sell your permaculture labor off-site and get paid - PEP BB Commerce.sand.labor
Sell your permaculture labor off-site and get paid - PEP BB Commerce.sand.labor
Sell "goods" (something you made, grew, or foraged)
greywillow |
BBs submitted for greywater and willow feeders - sand badge |
Give Urine to Growies
Reuse Water From a Shower
Use Water From a Dishpan to Flush a Toilet or Water Something
Plant Five Trees
Move a Willow Feeder Can to a Willow Candy Warehouse
Move a Willow Feeder Can to a Willow Tree
Create a Level One Pee Spot
gardening |
BBs submitted for gardening - sand badge |
Ruth Stout style composting (2 spots)
Chop and Drop
Build a Hugelkultur
oddball |
BBs submitted for oddball - sand badge |
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
electricity |
BBs submitted for electricity - sand badge |
Install/Repair an AC Outlet
Repair a Light Switch
plumbing |
BBs submitted for plumbing and hot water - sand badge |
Install an Instant Bidet
animals |
BBs submitted for animal care - sand badge |
Make a Bee/Insect Watering Station
Make Snake/Lizard Habitat
Make a Brush Pile
Plant 60 Mulberry Trees
Plant 200 Seeds for Hummingbirds
roundwood |
BBs submitted for round wood woodworking - sand badge |
carving spoon from hand tools
Compound mallet from hand tools
Club style mallet from hand tools
2 coat hooks from a small branch crotch
add one horizontal log to berm/hugelkultur scaffolding
Dry peg coat hooks in green wood
naturalbuilding |
BBs submitted for natural building - sand badge |
Use cob to fill between logs on WOFATI