Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Marty Mitchell wrote: Also, stop watering and fertilizing before mid-Summer so that the growth rate will slow.... and lignification will increase. Getting the wood to harden off and build bark is of utmost importance for Winter survival.
Rebecca Blake wrote: Still good to know, thank you! Perhaps I can use that strategy on some citrus trees...?
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Mike Barkley wrote: Y'all stay warm!!!
Rebecca Blake wrote: The last winter storm like this I think I heard was in the 1880s... so hopefully I can continue with my food forest plans without having to plan for this again!
Chasing that dream and enjoying every minute of it!
Marty Mitchell wrote:
I would spend a little time to read up on the "Grand Solar Minimum" we are currently starting to slip into. We should be in the depths of it by 2030 to 2050.
Anomalous periods like a Grand Solar Minimum show that magnetic activity and energy output from the Sun can vary over decades, although the space-based observations of the last 35 years have seen little change from one cycle to the next in terms of total irradiance. Solar Cycle 24, which began in December 2008 and is likely to end in 2020, was smaller in magnitude than the previous two cycles.
On occasion, researchers have predicted that coming solar cycles may also exhibit extended periods of minimal activity. The models for such predictions, however, are still not as robust as models for our weather and are not considered conclusive.
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