Over the years I have I had amazing success with tomatoes, and some epic failures, but never like this year. We have had strange weather, a lot more up and down then normal, I don't think this is my issue. The tomatoes are sour. A few different varieties some I planted, and a couple of volunteers. The lemon boy is good, not great like normal home grown tomatoes, but good
enough to eat. The
volunteer from last years money maker is ok. The rest are uneatable.
The tomatoes set lots of tomatoes nice and early, then they just staid green for the longest time. I pruned them, and it did help, but the pretty red tomatoes didn't taste good. So today I removed all of the tomatoes on all except for the two that are ok. I'm going to make a
compost tea, or something. My hope is it will kick them into gear and they will set new fruit and ripen sweet. I figure at this point I have nothing to lose. (The
chickens thought they were wonderful, and don't know what I'm talking about.)
I'm not sure why this is happening, I have never heard of such a thing. I organic garden, have a lot of different veggies planted. I'm always trying to add organic matter, don't till or disturb the soil. It's just strange. Everything else is growing well and taste great.
Has this ever happened to you? Anyone know what I have done wrong, or haven't done that I