I did describe the plant as a Willow Tree, what more needs to be described?
I would really consider rewording this
BB. I’m a pretty literal person so I understood it to mean wet with urine, rather than pre-moistened with
water, which is what you were going for.
Nowhere does it say “urine must be diluted, or soil pre moistened” which it probably
should say for the sake of clarity, if that’s the actual intent. It would seem from the previously approved submissions that this is a not in-fact an issue though.
I’m trying to support this ecosystem but these technacalities make it really disheartening sometimes. I’m not the type of person that intentionally breaks or bends the rules. It would be great to get a PM when there is a problem with a submission rather than a cold rejection. That is what I would consider “being nice” as Permies is supposed to be governed by.
I’ve looked through many other submissions and it looks like the real problem is that I used a container, because all of the direct stream photos are approved even though there is no way to tell if the soil is moist or not, nor any comment stating such. I’ll concede that I missed the bottom two lines of the instructions, but I still find this ridiculous.
Here I was thinking that this was about peeing outside, saving water, and fertilizing plants at the same time, but apparently it’s about following poorly worded directions perfectly.
I’ll gladly re-do it but I am also trying to save others some future pain.