BEL #678
We're at the point where more mulch on the garden beds is a very good idea. We want to retain heat and moisture so the soil we're building stays healthy throughout the winter and an early start never really hurts.
Chris, and I started off our morning down at
Dances With Pigs Meadow, each of us cutting mulch by hand and bundling it for later use in the back of the truck.
I found a cicada shell, and it reminded me of being back in Maryland all those summers when the cicada were swarming the 'burbs. This guy seemed really small in comparison.
The afternoon was dominated with addressing the aftermath of last week's mudslide, and how to restore as much soil as possible to the berm. Here's how things looked at the start of our time over there:
Discussions during our
Boot time ranged from questions like, "Is Han is full first name, or is it short for something?" and trivia about Ronald Reagan's final acting role in
"The Killers," where he plays a mob boss trying to strongarm John Cassavetes, and Lee Marvin also co-stars (kicking a tremendous amount of ass while he does so). I'd love to see that one again sometime soon.
After 90 minutes or so of raking, shoveling and hauling, we added soil and mulch to the lattice-scaffold we'd built last week. It's coming along as planned.
Chris and I also visited the plums, and harvested the freshest-looking ones before the wind knocked them out of the
trees. He's processed and added a number of them to the dehydrator, and we'll pick up on this tomorrow to do the rest.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day...!