Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
'Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.'
Living a life that requires no vacation.
It's never too late to start! I retired to homestead on the slopes of Mauna Loa, an active volcano. I relate snippets of my endeavor on my blog :
Su Ba wrote:I wouldn't use a child to determine the good vs bad taste of something. I was 3 when I drank a bottle of shoe polish. My brother regularly was punished for eating the soap.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Trace Oswald wrote: with liver, you may as well just shoot and save the time you would have spent threatening. I don't find either of them bitter, but certainly vile.
The wishbone never could replace the backbone.
Think of how stupid the average person is. And how half of them are stupider than that. - Carlin But who reads this tiny ad?
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies