As a person who was in real estate previously, and who knows real estate well, i can tell you the best answer i can give is "it depends".
From a buyers perspective, im not completely sure why you wouldnt use a real estate agent, especially first time home buyers who have no clue what they're doing. Why i say this is, normally speaking, buyers do not pay a cent for their agent. That is all wrapped up into closing, where the seller (like i said--usually) pays for both the buyer and sellers fees.
You CAN on occasion pay your realtor yourself (as a BUYER) but this usually only happens when the home seller refuses to pay out to any real estate agents. In that case you can negotiate with the agent who you want to represent you, a "reasonable" fee. If thats the course you chose. Or you can, as others have stated, go about it unrepresented, and essentially let the chips fall where they may with your purchase.
Now, im no longer in real estate, as i said above, but i would personally highly recommend that buyers do have some sort of real estate professional involved in their transaction. Why i say this is because there are MANY MANNNNY things that can go wrong with these transactions, and there are many items that can be inserted into the lengthy closing documents that you may not realize/know about/read right/ etc etc. Ive seen it happen before, it is detrimental to a family. Land or home purchases are one of the most, if not THE most expensive purchases that anyone will make in their lives, so this is something that i would think would be something seriously considered for these reasons.
As a seller, you are in a position of power, when it comes to real estate. You know whats wrong with your house and with your property. You also know all the positives, quirks, etc so on and so forth. In addition, you stand to (likely) gain all the
profit, assuming you sell your home in a market where you will actually make a profit. So, should you use a real estate agent? This is where id say it depends. Thats my honest answer, because it can absolutely benefit you, some wise sage advice from people who know what theyre doing (assuming you select the proper person to help you sell your home). Or, yes, it can definitely hinder you. Its like anything in life, there are people who are very good at their job, and people who are horrible. You need to be wise on how you select your agent, especially sine youre going to pay for them out of the proceeds of your house!! Is it worth it? If you select someone who knows what theyre doing some of the benefits to you they can provide are:
-marketing your house to make it appealing to the masses
-marketing your house to make it more visible and more available to not only the masses, but to OTHER real estate agents, who then will show their prospective buyers that home and then will get you showings that you never yourself could obtain (seeing as you frankly do not have the same legal resources as real estate professionals do)
-advising you on how to prepare your home for showings, sale, etc
-advising you on what to fix/do to your home and property to make it more appealing, get buyers.
-giving you honest buyer feedback from showings
-conducting showings and open houses
the list goes on....i only have so much time to type this out, sorry
But i digress. There are benefits.
One of the resources that you wont be able to post your home to, that licensed active real estate professionals CAN, is called the MLS, Multiple Listing Service. It is, IMHO, the most useful resource they have on you, and it is the hub for real estate professionals, and it is where your home will get LOTS of hits, and attention.
I would like to add, real estate professionals are almost...i said "almost"... a necessary, shall we say, "evil" in society today. Most people DO use them. And when you choose to forgo the "norm", if you will, you do lose out on opportunity. Its just something that you need to know, and frankly, need to be okay with, if you choose to not utilize "the system".
Is it a racket?? Yes, it is. But it can help you. And a lot of times, it is a good use of your monies. ESPECIALLY if you are having a hard time marketing and selling a property/home. ESPECIALLY then.
Some tidbits: you can and should fire any real estate professional who is not doing their job to your satisfaction. It is legal, it does, and it should happen. Dont feel sorry for these people. They need to do their job to your standards and to the standards you discussed when you first hitched your wagon to theirs. Period.
Two- EVERYTHING is negotiable. Literally, everything. Fees, payments, even any little contractual item. It can be changed. You dont like it? There is an addendum for that. Which is ALSO why real estate power is in the hand of the seller. Which is ALSO another reason why these buyers need to hire someone who knows what their reading, so they dont get screwed in the end.
I think ive fairly adequately covered it. Let me know if you have any questions. My advice is free
And good luck in the sale of your Homestead